Work continues on Way of the Samurai 4
Hi everyone. It’s been another busy week here at Ghostlight. I’ve mainly been working on Agarest 2, where I’ve been trying to hunt down the legendary “jumbo cock”! At this point it’s probably a good idea that I inform you that this particular jumbo cock is in fact a giant chicken :)
Anyway, while I’ve been focussing on Agarest 2, most of the really cool progress seems to be happening on the desk next door to me, where Ben is testing the latest PC version of Way of the Samurai 4. This week we’ve now got full PC controls (ie mouse and keyboard) working and the new save system is taking shape too. This does mean that there will be an announcement about the closed beta very soon. So if you’re interested in joining in, please do keep an eye on the blog for updates.
As some of you may know, the original PS3 version of Way of the Samurai 4 featured a selection DLC. We are currently looking into how to replicate this DLC in the PC build. We have to resolve a few technical issues on how best to integrate the content in our conversion but we expect to have more news on this soon. If you have any thoughts on how you’d like to see the DLC made available in the PC version, then please feel free to let us know in the comments below.
In other news, a rather splendid Elminage Gothic fan from the games Steam forums has lovingly created an Elminage Gothic Wiki – thanks! (You know who you are :)) If you feel you could contribute to the wiki or would simply like to get some tips, you can check out the wiki here.
Moving on I can also inform you that we have agreed to convert another Japanese console game to PC which we’re really excited to be working on, plus we’re close to securing at least one more new product not previously released outside of Japan. I’m afraid that until everything is finalised I won’t be able to give you any more details, but I thought some of you might be interested to know that wheels are in motion.
Finally as some of you are probably aware it’s the MCM Expo this weekend. I’m going to be there on the Saturday so if any of you spot me, please feel free to say "Hi!" I might even give you some advance info on some of the stuff we’ve got planned for the next couple of months…oops…said too much already ;)
That’s all from me. I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
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