Way of the Samurai 4 moved back to February
Hello one and all! Ignoring the title of this blog for just a moment, I’d firstly like to thank you for all your applications to join the Agarest: Generations of War 2 Beta. There are certainly a lot of requests for us to go through, but with the applications period now closed we’re aiming to get back to you all by early next week.
As I mentioned in last week’s blog, we’ve already had an elite, handpicked team of beta testers looking at the game and they have been doing an epic job - thanks guys! So far it seems to be going pretty smoothly, so long may this continue :).
Now moving on to Way of the Samurai 4 and I’m afraid to have to inform you all that the game will not be ready for a January release as we had previously planned. This is due to a number of complex technical issues that we‘ve encountered during the last stages of the porting process, slowing our progress on the game quite considerably. On the positive side, we’re slowly but surely winning the battle-against-the-bugs but it does mean that we’re now currently aiming to release the game in February. I don’t have an exact release date yet, but I’ll try to get more details on that for you all very soon.
In other news, some of you may be aware that our very good friends over at Idea Factory International have announced that they will soon be releasing Neptunia Re;Birth1 on Steam. So keep an eye out for more news on IFI’s website.
Finally, some of you may recall me mentioning our sister developer Laughing Jackal’s, upcoming firefighting action roguelike, Flame Over, on this blog. The game will be coming soon to PS Vita and if any of you are interested in seeing the game in action, head over to the European PlayStation blog as they posted the first gameplay video there yesterday. While I might be a bit biased, I must say that it’s looking brilliant! :) If you’d like to check it out you can see more details here.
That’s all from me. I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
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