Ghostlight Blog

This Week in the World of Ghostlight

Fri, 25th Mar 2011 | Posted by Al

Hi everyone,

We've got quite a bit of news today but since it’s my first blog (be kind) I thought I'd introduce myself. (Despite what it says in the header, Al didn’t make this post)

I'm Ross, I've been working for Ghostlight as a games tester for just over 4 years and I'm going to be giving you guys the latest news from Ghostlight (until I say something I shouldn't anyway!)

For the hardcore gamers and otaku out there we have the perfect game to fill the long days until P3P is released.  Aedis Eclipse: Generation of Chaos is going to be available on PSN next week.  I've not "tested" this one personally, but having played it a fair bit, I can say this game is a must have for all you fans of deep SRPGs.

Lately I have been doing the QA on the EU release of Agarest: Generations of War ZERO and although I haven't got very far into it yet it is coming along well.  As you probably know we are working closely with Aksys on this one. The guys in Japan, Idea Factory, are doing a great job keeping it on schedule.  Unfortunately we haven't finalised what amazing goodies are going to be in the Collector’s Edition yet but I'll keep pestering those involved until they tell me.

Pre-orders for the mighty Persona 3 Portable have been going incredibly well. So, if you haven't already ordered (and why not?) you can do so here.

Pre-ordering from us will also get you a rather nifty limited edition t-shirt – useful even if, like me, your drawers are already bursting with various band and gaming t-shirts.  Everything is ready to go and we are very close to announcing the release date so expect more on that soon. 

Finally, next week on our Facebook and Twitter pages we will be running competitions to win a rather nice array of Persona 3 Portable swag.  I've been ordered on pain of death not to reveal any of it yet, but I can assure you that it does look ace. 


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Eggbert says:

Nice, I was fearing soome psn fiasco for gow.
Keitaro004 says:

Great to see that Agarest War ZERO still are in progress. I hope the EU Limited version will beat the US one to the ground this time!
angelyuki789 says:

ooh, more Persona 3 Portable goodies? How you spoil us, Ghostlight. You are one of the greatest publishers on my list. :)
timehero says:

cool. are the competitions going to be for all europe?
Pepsi_Biofusion says:

Hi Ross, this is my first post online in years so I hope I'm not too awkward, just wanted to let you folks at Ghostlight know that I am buzzing for Agarest Senki Zero and I can't wait to pre-order the limited edition on day one :D ... although I'm sad I can't get persona 3 ( no PSP ) ... looks like a flat-out amazing limited edition, good work Ghostlight!
Sergio says:

Hi Ross, I have a terrible doubt about pre-ordering P3P. I'm from Spain and I have just read that preordering from my country wont be fullfilled from now on. Can I make a preorder and receive it?? I have just earned some money and I want my Persona T-shirt and support ghostlight directly!!
[GL] Ross says:

@timehero Yes the competition will be throughout Europe. @Pepsi_Biofusion Its fine. Thanks for the support and glad your looking forward to Agarest. I've been playing it for a couple months, certainly a lot to get through. Today I was taking screenshots to be included in the manual. Yes its a shame P3P is only available for PSP. I suffer from much the same problem or would if it weren't for my work test kit :) @Sergio Namco Bandai will be our distributor for P3P in Spain. We are trying to find out which stores they are supplying. Please check back in a couple of days and I should have some more info.
Sergio says:

But can I preorder it from your web? or it is impossible? Sorry for be so insistent but I've been waiting for this game for so long and in Namco Bandai web there isn't a link to preorder it and there isn't even a word of it. sorry for bothering.
[GL] Ross says:

@Sergio No problem. Unfortunately it is not possible for you to pre-order from our website. Namco Bandai will be distributing the game in Spain. I'm pressing my boss for more details and I will get back to you when I find out more.

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