The Steam Summer Sale 2015 continues
Hi everyone. There’s now less than one week to go until the Steam Summer Sale ends. With a whole host of great savings on all our Steam titles and DLC you won’t want to miss out on it, so why not go and check out all the Ghostlight titles on Steam.
In other Steam related news, after last week’s update on Way of the Samurai 4, I’m pleased to say that progress has continued to be good. With only 2 major bugs remaining (concerning throwing animations and ambient sounds) remaining we are now pretty darn close to being ready to launch. More news on that soon we hope! Al, Laughing Jackal’s producer, (a.k.a. @ev4nac on Twitter) has been looking at the game a fair bit of late and had this to say about the game:
“Now I’m 100 hours in, I can say with confidence that I really like Way of the Samurai 4. The early part of the game – as you’re figuring out how combat works, the layout of the environment, how missions work, and having to be really cautious in large scale combat – is great and the multi-stranded narrative makes it really fun to try new things out in subsequent play throughs. It’s definitely my favourite Ghostlight game to date. I’ve stayed late a few times just to get a missing ending.”
The other big video game news this week has been E3, and from the view point of someone who’s been stuck in Essex :( rather than making the trip over to LA, it seems to have been a very good one. With a new Fallout & Doom, a remake of Final Fantasy VII and Shenmue 3 (!!!) all being announced on the main stage, alongside some newer games such Media Molecule’s Dreams and whatever Square Enix’s Project Setsuna proves to be, things are looking great for videogames into 2016. And that’s not even mentioning the fact that The Last Guardian is coming next year. O_o
Off the main stage there’s been plenty of excitement too with Xseed announcing that they’ll be bringing over Trails of Cold Steel, a sequel to the amazing Trails in the Sky, to the West.
The original Trails in the Sky was one of my favourite PSP games, and if you haven’t already tried it you should definitely pick it up either physically through the Ghostlight Store, where it comes with a lovely A1 poster or on the PSN Store. The digital version, of course also works on Vita.
So what was your favourite E3 announcement? Did you manage to make it over to LA? If so go on and make us all jealous by talking about it in the comments :).
That’s all from me. I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
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