The Return of the Ghostlight Blog
Hi everyone. Sorry about last week’s missing blogpost. I was so busy hammering Agarest 2 last week that I just didn’t have time to write one I’m afraid. What this does mean is I’ve got lots of juicy pieces of news to share with you all this week.
So where to start? Those of you eagerly awaiting Agarest: Generations of War 2 will be pleased to hear that the deluxe edition caps have now shown up here at Ghostlight. With the messenger bag due in shortly, our glorious Deluxe Edition is taking shape nicely. So go pre-order your copy now to make sure you get your hands on this fantastic package, or you can of course pre-order our almost as fantastic Collector’s Edition.
Talking of Agarest I’ve had quite a few questions about that fabulous framed Agarest: Generations of War Zero collector’s edition we showed off a while ago. I can inform you that these are still coming but we’ve had a few issues arranging delivery. We’re hoping this will be resolved shortly and then we’ll be providing you with details of how you can get your hands on this brilliant Collector’s item.
Of course we’ve also got some news for those of you who prefer to get your games via PSN, as the awesome Fate/EXTRA has been submitted to Sony for PSN release, giving those of you with a PSP Go or a Vita the chance to taste its compelling storyline and unique combat system.
Finally I heard a little whisper that we might be running another sale featuring some of our older games and merchandise over on the Ghostlight Store towards the end of June. You can expect some more news on that very soon, so keep you eyes peeled for some great bargains.
Anyway, that’s all for now. I’m away in Crete next week so I’ll be leaving you to the mercies of one of our other team members here at Ghostlight. Until then you can also follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight. You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
Is there going to be anything extra in the sale that hasn't been on the store yet? As far as I know, I already have all your games and merchandise :P
@MrRandom It's not been finalised yet but I wouldn't have thought so.
I would be a very happy boy if the first Digital Devil saga was in that sale.. I bought the second game in the last sale for it's awesome special edition but I haven't been able to play it yet because I need to play the first one!
Ok, I appreciate I'm *massively* jumping the gun on this one, but would you be able to say whether the recently-teased Shin Megami Tensei IV on the 3DS is at all on your radar? Early days, sure, but it's never too soon to get the ball rolling!
Just Finished Zero last night and can't wait for Agarest 2. I also notice that they are bringing out a new Agarest game for the PSP, Agarest: Marriage. Will you guy be doing this or are you trying to move away from the psp with the vita.
Any word on the DDS games for the PSN yet? And are they likely to be released in Europe (I know we've still not got P3:FES yet...)? Really interested in getting them, but wondering if I might be better getting the PS2 versions. Getting FES on the PSN isn't much of an issue for me (got the disc version a while ago) but I have a couple of friends who are interested in it, but haven't got a PS2. Also, any word on P$:Golden coming to the EU? I know it isn't out in Japan quite yet, but it's another Ill be pre-ordering ASAP. Just gotta play P4 and P2:EP and that's me up to date on the Persona series :D
@KoolZoid We're aware of it but at the moment that's all I can tell you I'm afraid. @Komic We're not ruling out doing PSP games in the future but I don't think we'll be doing many more. @LordRed91 The DDS games are currently going through submission for a PSN release here in Europe. We didn't handle Persona 3: FES though that was Koei I believe. As for Persona 4: The Golden it's a game we're very much aware of but at the moment I don't have any news for you on that one.
Just to let you all know I'm going to be gone until the 20th of June. We'll still be checking the comments but it may be somewhat slower than usual while I'm away.
another total of topic question ... are you planning to release Persona 4 Golden for Vita in Europe?
Ah well, thanks for the reply. If only the DDS double pack is going to be in the sale....*hint hint* :D
Really excited for Agarest 2, I`ve been so bust with Fate/Extra I`ve beaten the story with Caster and am currently on the 6th week with Archer. Archer`s a douche, Caster`s so fun!!! As soon as I beat the story with Archer I`ll get those last trophies from Agarest Zero before 2 comes out. Oh The opening video of Agarest MARIAGE has been released and the cast actually look surprisingly good, Titania especially gives the sexy, silent and powerful look down. Ross, I`m just one guy although I`m sure many others will agree but please have Ghostlight do its best to release Fate/Extra CCC and Agarest Mariage. Agarest 2 is what is now at the moment and I am so looking forward to it, I just pray they don`t have any ridiculous trophy requirements like kill 10,000 enemies, also has there been any word on the DLC? I just watched the latest zero, Gilgamesh was.. Rider was... Berzerker, Waver... Karia....... Please have those 2 PSP games released in the future, I really want to play with Gilgamesh as my servent(Somehow me saying that makes me feel like sharp pointy things are about to shoot me from somewhere). Also Ross, I haven`t heard from Ghostlight regarding my damaged Fate/Extra box. Granted I typed my e-mail in a hurry at the time so it was fairly sure but still. Anyway Thanks for making Agarest 2 possible, I sincerely hope Ghostlight will continue to bring us the franchise. Thanks!
Hi after you done with agarest what your next project? i was hoping it will be Ragnarok Odyssey for the PS Vita and yeah cant wait to get my deluxe edition in june
Morning all, Sorry but you're going to have to put up with my and my rather less frequent posts for a week while Ross is on a well-deserved holiday. Here go my answers: @Naru - We've certainly got Persona 4 Golden on our radar, but I can't say anything further about that. @Sins - we'll certainly mention to the relevant people that there's real enthusiasm for Fate/EXTRA CCC and Agarest Marriage. ;) Agarest 2 has substantial amounts of DLC for you guys to enjoy. We'll keep you posted on those. :D @Kosakai - we've got numerous things in the pipeline, but nothing I'm allowed to blab about just yet. ;) Thanks everyone - apologies again for the reduction in communication you'll experience this week. I'll try my best to keep on top of things! ^_^
hey AL i would like 2 say persona 4 golden would be a reason 2 get a PSvita what's holding me back is the lack off japanese games for the system, most for Vita are just ps3 ports and that's rather dull. i just wanna say plz don't forget those psp games like. Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time,Gungnir,Unchained Blades, Dragon's crown. and preferably japanese dubs.
@dgnfly As you know we cannot promise anything but we do listen and do try to get the games requested by you guys. So keep following the news feed and you never know :)
I guess the PSN release of Fate/Extra won't be for this week? Too bad :'(
Hello there Ghostlighters! I know that the PSN release of the two DDS games is already being processed but what about Your other three PS2 games? What about Shin Megami Tensei: Lucifer's Call, Shadow Hearts: From the New World and The Plan? I'd like to see all of them on PSN as well, especially Lucifer's Call. Not making that one available for digital download would be a crime! That Atlus gem is a true PS2 classic! I wonder. Are You using the DDS games to test the waters, to see if the whole ordeal can be profitable? I want to say that You shouldn't worry about that. The overall objective quality of PS2 games currently on PSN is not that high and Your games are bound to stand out and garner sales. I'm not trying to bash Your parent company Midas. While most of their games are of no interest to me, I still admire their efforts and wholeheartedly support every release they make because they're doing the right thing - getting their games out there.
Hey i heard a rumor that Agarest senki 2 EU version gets some editing and removed CGs and such while the US version stays unedit (beside from translated, is that true??
Hey guys, @Magenof: Fate/EXTRA is still in submission, so we'll get you a date as soon as we've heard back. :) @Big Pája: We've got plans to release Lucifer's call and are still working with Atlus towards that goal, but I can't absolutely promise that one just yet. Concerning Shadowhearts and The Plan, these are a little less likely, but we're chasing the various license holders to see if we can get those up as well. @Jeniza: Agarest 2 has had no CGs removed. Fiona (Child) has been removed from the massaging/shiatsu/sauna mini games but the rest of the game is entirely intact, with a couple of instances of text editing. All the actual content is still there and we've been careful to preserve the Agarest feel. Without these changes the game simply wouldn't have been allowed to be released, so we're happy with the result. Thanks for now everyone!
Hearing that You're working with Atlus to bring Lucifer's Call out fills me with confidence, Al. And qualifying Shadow Hearts and The Plan as only "a little less likely" than Lucifer's Call sounds good as well. Here's hoping that You won't have to overcome too many hurdles while bringing those games out.
I'm back :) Thank to Al for looking after the comments while I was away :)
If Ghostlight dont Publish Persona 2 Eternal Punishment, however another company releases it in UK/EUR, would it still be possible to use the PAL save data from Innocent Sin which unlocks features in Eternal Punishment (such as Tatsuya's level) like in JPN versions?
@Tom I'd imagine that if that were to be the case then the save data would be compatible.
Ross, if you do publish Persona 4 Golden, I hope you can confirm soon and have a gap of no more than a month from the US, sorry to be demanding but I can see myself importing this one if its not coming to Europe till next year! Is Persona 3 FES still unlikely?