Ghostlight Blog

The Neo Awards 2016

Thu, 1st Dec 2016 | Posted by Ross

Hi everyone. I hope you all had a good Steam Sale, and that you’re now enjoying some of the games that you picked up during it. Why not let us know what you’ve picked up in the comments, and if you’re enjoying it? Might give me some ideas for the next time the Steam Sale comes along! :)

This year has really flown by, and now it’s December we’re starting to see more end of year awards being handed out, or voted on. Happily, it seems like the people over at Neo Magazine have taken notice of our hard work throughout the year, as they’ve nominated us for their Best Game Distributor Award.

It’s always flattering to be nominated for awards, but it’s even better to win them, so in pursuit of that, why not go and vote for us alongside your favourite anime & manga here? :) I mean, you could vote for another games publisher, but while there may be some editorial bias here, we definitely think you should vote for us. ;) Voting ends at 6pm GMT on the 9th December, so be sure to vote before time runs out!

In other news, we’re still very hard at work on several PC ports for another publisher. I’ve been busy looking through some of the feedback from our partner. Obviously working so hard on these games has meant that we haven’t been in a position to work on our own releases, but I’ve been told that we’re now very close to signing a very interesting looking JRPG to port to PC. Both Al and I are big fans of this one and we’re looking forward to telling you all about it once all the paperwork is dealt with.

So, stay tuned for more news coming on that sometime in early 2017. :)

That’s all for now, I’ll be back soon with more news from Ghostlight but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our  Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.

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