Ghostlight Blog

The latest on Agarest Zero

Thu, 20th Mar 2014 | Posted by Ross

Hi everyone.  We’ve had another busy couple of weeks here at Ghostlight, where - with the help of our dedicated team of beta testers - we’ve been hard at work on Agarest Zero, tracking down and squashing bugs over on the beta forum.  We really appreciate all the help the team have given us. Without them, a small company like ours would struggle to perform all the compatibility testing which a large PC game like Agarest requires.

It’s not just fixing bugs either, as they’ve not been shy about letting us know about other potential improvements that could be made to the game.  In recent weeks we’ve improved the mouse controls, changed the text colour to make it easier to read and even added cloud saving (yes, cloud saving will be implemented in Agarest Zero! :)) following prompting from the forum. All of the feedback really is appreciated. :)

Despite being busy with Agarest Zero we did find time to go back to revisit Agarest: Generations of War on PC.  Some of you may have experienced an audio glitch during movies and the title screen, which was both persistent and annoying.  However, during the testing for Agarest Zero one of the users found that it could be resolved by maxing the video audio slider.  After tracking down and fixing this issue in Agarest Zero based on this information, it was found that this also caused the audio glitch in the original Agarest.  Happily this has allowed Laughing Jackal to patch Agarest: Generations of War and finally rid the game of this problem.

In other news I’ve now managed to play through to the true end of Agarest Zero myself and while there are still bugs that need fixing it does seem to be coming along very nicely.  Should all go to plan we’re currently expecting that pre-orders will go live on steam towards the end of March, with the game being released in April.  As with Agarest itself, there will be a discount for anyone who pre-orders the game.

I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our  Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.

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