Ghostlight Blog

Lost Dimension DLC details confirmed

Wed, 25th Oct 2017 | Posted by Ross

Hi everyone.

Following on from our recent blog in which we announced the very exciting news that Lost Dimension will finally be released on 30th October priced at $24.99 with a fabulous 40% launch discount, I thought I'd share with you the final details of the Lost Dimension DLC and how it will work.

Before we get into a detailed look at each pack, I wanted to let you know the happy news that not only will all the DLC be available at launch, but that there will also be a 40% launch discount for the DLC as well, and that's on top of what are already significant savings from the original console prices.

Now that's been established, here are the details on the DLC packs:

Steam Bundle Pack Title

DLC Item Title


All Costumes Bundle $5.99

Special Costume “Rising Star”

A special costume for the Mana character.

(price of all DLC items on console =$10.89)

Special Costume “Lovable Ursine”

A special costume for the Sojiro character.


Special Costume “Bad Boy”

A special costume for the Zenji character.


Special Costume “Dapper Socialite”

A special costume for the Toya character.


Special Costume “Shining Idol”

A special costume for the Yoko character.


Special Costume “Risque Oiran”

A special costume for the Nagi character.


Special Costume “Kitty Costume”

A special costume for the Marco character.


Special Costume “Dream Fighter”

A special costume for the Mana character.


Special Costume “Fallen Samurai”

A special costume for the George character.


Special Costume “Sweet Teacher”

A special costume for the Himeno character.


Special Costume “Freshman Prince”

A special costume for the Agito character.

Additional Map/Quest Bundle $4.99

Additional Map “The beginning of the end”

An additional Map +5 missions. Moderate difficulty.

(price of all DLC items on console =$7.95)

Additional Quest “The emissary from the netherworld”

5 additional missions. Moderate difficulty.


Additional Quest “Price of blood”

5 additional missions. Hard difficulty.


Additional Quest “Runaway Cause and Effect”

5 additional missions. Expert difficulty.


Additional Quest “Prelude to the destruction”

5 additional missions. Expert difficulty.

Extra EXP Bundle $0.99

Extra EXP

Earn additional EXP points in the next battle.

(price of all DLC items on console =$2.97)

Extra EXP x3

Earn additional EXP points in the next battle (3 time use.)


Extra EXP x5

Earn additional EXP points in the next battle (5 time use.)

Extra EN Bundle $0.99

Extra EN

Earn additional EN (money) in the next battle.

(price of all DLC items on console =$2.97)

Extra EN x3

Earn additional EN (money) in the next battle (3 time use.)


Extra EN x5

Earn additional EN (money) in the next battle (5 time use.)

Extra Gift-EXP Bundle $0.99

Extra Gift-EXP

Earn extra Gift-EXP points in the next battle.

(price of all DLC items on console =$2.97)

Extra Gift-EXP x3

Earn extra Gift-EXP points in the next battle (3 time use.)



Extra Gift-EXP x5

Earn extra Gift-EXP points in the next battle (5 time use.)

Mind Limiter Bundle $0.99

Mind Limiter

Suppresses SAN from rising in the next battle.

(price of all DLC items on console =$2.47)

Mind Limiter x3

Suppresses SAN from rising in the next battle (3 time use.)



Mind Limiter x5

Suppresses SAN from rising in the next battle (5 time use.)

Boost Bonus Set $0.99

(price of all DLC items on console =$1.49)

Boost Bonus Set

This set contains the following items: Extra EXP x1, Extra EN x1, Extra Gift-EXP x1 and Mind Limiter x1.

Icon of Trust Bundle $0.99

Icon of Trust

Raises everyone’s trust towards Sho.

(price of all DLC items on console =$2.97)

Icon of Trust x2

Raises everyone’s trust towards Sho (2 time use.)


Icon of Trust x4

Raises everyone’s trust towards Sho (4 time use.)

VP Bundle $0.99

VP +1

Vision Point +1

(price of all DLC items on console =$2.97)

VP +2

Vision Point +2.


VP +4

Vision Point +4.

Tranquilizer Bundle $0.99


Tranquilizer Set A

This set contains the following items: Mind Capsule x2, Mind Capsule+ x 1.

(price of all DLC items on console =$1.48)

Tranquilizer Set B

This set contains the following items: Mind Capsule x4, Mind Capsule+ x2 and Mind Capsule++ x1.

Medical Set B $0.99 

(price of all DLC items on console =$0.99)

Medical Set B

This set contains the following items: Health Capsule x3, Health Capsule+ x2, Anti-Poison x2 and Life Pack.

GIFT-EXP Bundle $0.99


All the allies receive 1 Gift-EXP point.

(price of all DLC items on console =$2.97)


All the allies receive 2 Gift-EXP points.



All the allies receive 4 Gift-EXP points.

Level All Bundle $1.99

Level All +1

Raise everyone’s level by 1.

(price of all DLC items on console =$3.98)

Level All +3

Raise everyone’s level by 3.

Forced Vote Bundle $0.99

Forced Vote

Extra right to vote in Judgement Room.

(price of all DLC items on console =$2.97)

Forced Vote x2

Extra right to vote in Judgement Room x2.


Forced Vote x4

Extra right to vote in Judgement Room x4.

Free DLC Bundle

Special Costume “White Regalia”

A special costume for the Sho character.


VP +1

Free Gift: Vision point +1.


Medical Set A

Free Gift: This set contains Health Capsule, Mind Capsule and Life Pack.  


I hope you'll all agree that those are some fantastic savings, particularly if you take advantage of the 40% launch discount. So, why not add Lost Dimension to your wishlist on Steam, so that you're notified when the game is released and don't miss on those savings? ;D

In other news the fiendishly brilliant Devil Survivor Overclocked has had its price slashed from £24.99 to £8.99 on the Nintendo 3DS eShop as part of the Halloween sale. While I may be a bit biased this is a brilliant price for such an amazing game, and if you haven't picked this up on 3DS then you really don't want to miss out.

That’s all for now. I’ll be back soon with more news, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our  Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.

(Blog written by Ghostlight Ltd.)

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