First playable build of Lost Dimension arrives!
Hi everyone. I've got some great news on Lost Dimension for you all. As if by magic - if you count the hours and hours of hard work from our long-suffering dev team as magic - the first playable PC version of Lost Dimension has appeared in the office!
While we haven't had that long to look at it yet, I must say it seems very stable for a first playable build and it's certainly nice to be able to start hunting down those traitors on my PC at long last! :)
We're still some way off being in a position to start the closed beta, but this is obviously a massive step towards releasing the title on PC, so I'd like to say a huge thank you to the team at Laughing Jackal for all their hard work and to FURYU CORPORATION for their continued assistance.
Hopefully in the coming weeks, we should be able to share some early screenshots of the game running on PC, before launching the closed beta during the run up to release later this year.
In other news, unfortunately we will need to replace the title music that's used in the opening movie sequence of the game. This is because this particular piece of music, as used in the console versions, has not been made available for worldwide use on PC, due to some fairly complicated licensing issues. Having said that, we're currently in the process of sourcing an excellent replacement track, which we hope you'll like just as much :)
(Blog written by Ghostlight Ltd. All screenshots are taken from the PS3 version of Lost Dimension.)
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