Fate/EXTRA in stock & PSN price cuts
Hi everyone. Look what turned up earlier this week :)
That’s right: we now have Fate/EXTRA in stock. :) And here’s the Collector’s Edition in all its glory:
We’ve already begun to ship out Fate/EXTRA to everyone who pre-ordered it with us so expect a parcel with your name on it to come through your door soon. :)
It’s a bank holiday this weekend here in the UK, so if our UK-based readers want it in time for the long weekend then today is probably your last chance. We’ve still got some stock of both the exclusive items, so head to the Ghostlight Store now to pick it up. :)
While we haven’t yet announced a PSN release date, we do have a little something for those of you who prefer your games in a more digital format, as we’ve reduced the price of many of our games on PSN.
The following games have all received price cuts:
- International Athletics (PSP)
- World of Pool (PSP)
- Aedis Eclipse: Generation of Chaos (PSP)
- Spectral Souls: Resurrection of the Ethereal Empires (PSP)
- Persona 3 Portable (PSP)
- Persona 2: Innocent Sin (PSP)
- Legends of Heroes: Trails in the Sky (PSP)
- Bundle: Persona 2 + Trails in the Sky (PSP)
Happily for all you Vita owners out there, all our PSP titles on PSN work on the Vita so you can enjoy these reductions too.
That’s all for now. I’ll be back next week with some more news on Agarest 2 :)
Until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
I have seen some of the rage on the psn boards with people not getting answers and poor communication, Can I just say well done for the honesty and approach taken by you Ross in dealing with people.You should win an award for your service. Thank you for how you deal with people.
Oooh....That collector's edition looks nice! Might check out Fate/Extra during summer. Is there any news on the Digital Devil Saga games coming to PSN? I was really looking forward to those.
do you have many of the collector editions left? I wanted to pre-order it but I didn't have money on my card.
@Barry Walsh Thanks. I try my best :) @Enigmatic Hat No more news yet I'm afraid :( @Komic We've got both the Collector's edition and the exclusive items left :)
Still no word on DDS for PSN? :(
Can't wait until F/E gets here. Thanks to everyone involved.
Permanent Price Cuts or Limited Time Only?
@Nas Still waiting I'm afraid @LeonDeka All the price cuts are permenent.
Hmm, mines not shipped yet?
Can't wait to play Fate/EXTRA tomorrow :D Also, cheaper TitS is always a good thing ;)
Hi on the subject of nice limited editions. Will you be announcing the contents of the UK Agarest 2 limited edition before the US release? Mainly I want to know weather it gogig to content the Inflatable Felenne Doll otherwise I think the temptation will be to great.
@Strife There's been an issue with the confirmations but in all likelyhood yours has gone out. If you're worried though email shop at ghostlight.uk.com @bob If all goes to plan we'll be announcing the collector's edition next week.
I received my fate/extra today but no poster. are these send out separately or something?
@J The posters are sent out seperately. So you should get yours soon.
@J I was going to post exactly the same message. Thanks for the speedy dispatch Ghostlight!
I havent received any dispatched order e-mail and i pre ordered 20/4/12.Any idea what might happened?.I dont know it matters but but my delivery adress is in spain
Got my copy today just in time for my birthday!! Thanks for being so fast Ghostlight :D
More for you to pick up: XSeed brings Ragnarok Odyssey and Orgarhythm to US: http://www.siliconera.com/2012/05/04/xseed-picks-up-playstation-vita-games-ragnarok-odyssey-and-orgarhythm/
@rixi All the orders were dispatched yesterday however because each order needs to be confirmed individually it's taking us a while to confirm them all and get the emails out.
Got my Fate/EXTRA Collector's Edition today, both the poster and the CE version of the game, which adds to my growing collection of portable Ghostlight/Atlus CE games: - SMT: Persona 3 Portable, but without poster, as I had no idea about Ghostlight until after purchase of said game from a local Game shop... :( , - SMT: Persona 2: Innocent Sin CE, - Fate/Extra CE with poster :D Once again, the packaging is beautifully thought out, with great design flair and wonderfully detailed little features (and the artwork. THE ARTWORK!!! :O ). Fantastic! Also like to add that this is my birthday month, so YAY!!! WIN! I will be picking up both SMT: Devil Survivor Overclocked for 3DS and SMT: Devil Survivor 2 for DS as well (hopefully CE versions ;), though I will need to pick up a 3DS first. What's worse is that I have recently rekindled my love for Pokémon games; I am about to finish Diamond (Gen. IV) after four years (had a long break), ANDrecently bought HeartGold/SoulSilver with the Pokéwalker's (Gen. IV) and Black & White (Gen. V) GAMES. I am going to purchase the DSi XL sometime soon, for longer play times and less fatiguing experience, as well as Black 2/White 2 Gen. V games later this year. But now I need a 3DS; might as well throw in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS on top. And never mind that I also happen to be an audiophile. This is going to be expensive... :(( Anyway, I would like to say thank you to you, Ghostlight, for bringing all these fantastic Atlus games, in ridiculously awesome collector editions, to the UK. I may also have a <3 / >_< complex with you... :/ ^_^
I can hardly call £5 a price drop, Persona 3 is cheaper in US Dollars than it is on the European Store. That's ridiculous, I already own the games but wanted them on my Vita. £25 for 2 amazing games I already own is reasonable, but £40 unimpressed you can call that a price cut....
Please pick up Ragnarok Odyssey!
Hi, just a quick question: Is there any way to get the poster and most importantly the magazine if you live in Germany?
I just ordered FATE!!!! I cannot wait to play it!!! Ross, How is Agarest 2 coming along? I beat the Boundary edge trophy from zero a fe weeks ago and have been near close to insanity and boredom of trying to get the "in the shade' and "love is abttlefield" trophies, WHO DECIDED ON THESE 2!?!?!?!?! It woul;d have been tolerable if I could at least know how many enemies and battles I`ve doe but no keeps you in the dark, its a chore and an nnoying 1 at that. Heck maybe I should go out and kill 10,000 people mabe I`ll get a silver trophy at that, I`m sorry but it does drive you made and I still have no idea how long I have left. Lastly, have you decided on any 3DS games to bring out? At the top of my head I`d love Hatsune Miku and future Stars, Moe Moe Daisensou and Senran Kagura, the last 1 maybe tough considering its ecchiness but I want an english version, not to mention its getting a sequel soon and surprisingly enough an anime. Anyway I look forward to playing Fate/Extra, Caster I will most certainly pick
I'm having trouble calling this a price drop, upon hearing this I was so eager to buy the games I got a PSN card at my local HMV. To discover the Persona 3 and 2 have dropped bu £5 a piece and that Persona 3 costs more in UK £ than it does in US $. That's ridiculous I was happy to pay £25 for 2 great games I already own, but you have to be laughing If you honestly think in this financial climate I can afford to spend £40 on a collection (that doesn't have appeared to drop in price at all)is ridiculous. Im very dissapointed Ghostlight :'(
@Gundladeuser Please email me on ross.brierley at ghostlight.uk.com and I'll see what I can do. @Sins Agarest 2 is coming along well and I'm expecting more news on that this week. I believe the Trophies in Zero are the same as in the Japanese version. As for 3DS titles the only one we've confirmed is Devil Survivor Overclocked but we are looking at a few more so expect some more news on that soon. @Cryss I'm sorry that we've disappointed you in this instance. The Persona bundle is not one of the items listed here and did not drop in price. These games are still selling well at present and as such we did not want to cut the price drasticly.
Are you able to tell who you have the fate/extra distribution deal in norway? i cant find any store either off or online that sells it
Glad to hear it and I can`t wait to hear the news on it, I also hope my copy of Fate comes into the mail soon. I know that but I had to express my frustration on the ridiculous trophy requirement somewhere. Also considering Ghostlights reputation with Persona thats a nice start for the 3DS for Ghostlight, I decided to do abit of research and it seems like Marvelous Entertainment may have tried to release Senran Kagura in the US...honestly the region lock on the 3DS is annoying hence why I`ve been hesitant to get one but the only 3DS game out there I`m remotely interested in is Senran Kagura(I`ve even ordered a few of its manga adaptions overseas), until they release a pokemon game on it of course. So yeah as far as I`m concerned Senran Kagura is the only game at the moment that`ll actually make getting a 3DS top priority, at least for me anyway. I really hope it does get an EU release. Anyone here want an english Senran Kagura release? I got the shipment confirmation mail today but I want to say it, thank you for making Fate/Extra possible for the UK. I`m sure I will enjoy this extra Holy Grail war as much as I have with Stay Night and Zero. Speaking of Zero poor Lancer.
@ObviusFault GameWorld are handling distribution in the Nordic region. @Sins Yeah that was harsh on Lancer Saber wasn't best pleased either.
GameWorld??? you mean Gamestop? never heard of GameWorld... not in Norway anyway
(Aksys Games announced PlayStation 3 strategy RPG Record of Agarest War 2 for North America and Europe in December) a bit off topic butt Just wondering..i assume Ghostlight is doing the europe version right? if so..wondering if the goodies of the limited edition are the same or have diffrent one
@Destinyplan We are releasing Agarest 2 in Europe with a different collector's edition which we're hoping to announce tomorrow :)
Hi, Agarest 2 will be released June 27 in NA! Will your EU version come before, after or the same day as the NA version?
@Negi At the moment all I have is summer release but we'll be announcing a release date when possible.
@ObviusFault Sorry missed your post. Email me on ross.brierley at ghostlight.uk.com and I'll give you more details.
Cant wait for the Agarest news. I will order myself a cup of Fate/Extra as soon as possible too ! Hope you guys can outperform Aksys - this time they are gearing up their Limited Edition with a Doll ! Who am I kidding, I bought 1 and Zero from you, and so will I buy 2 here as well.
Love your work Ghostlight and understand you'd want to keep making good money off of Persona and Trails, but until they come down a *bit* further in price on PSN I can't justify rebuying them. DDS is a day-one buy though, no matter how bad you try and rip me off :p
@LindsayM Thanks for your feedback on the Trails and Persona pricing.
Disappointed upon seeing the persona 3 price drop on psn £23.99 is too much for a PSP game especially considering its less than 20dollars in the US
After paitiently waiting for my gamestore to get it, it's finally in the house! Another great localization by Ghostlight! Too bad there's no full-color manual like the North American version had, though...
when will be Fate /extra available in the psn? i only got a ps vita and i would like to play it ^_^
@Naru No date yet but it will be coming.
Ghostlight i love the persona 3 portable! thanks for the price cut. p.s i'm a big fan of you, bringing great anime rpg over to uk :)
@kiran - thanks for your support and we're really glad you're loving P3P. It's a true classic alright... ^_^