Elminage Gothic discount ends today!
Hi everyone. It’s been almost one week since the release of our amazing dungeon-crawler, Elminage Gothic, which means that the 20% discount is about to end. In fact it will be gone within hours, so if you haven’t yet bought the game and want to take advantage of this special offer to get the game for just £5.59 then you’d better get your skates on and hurry over to the store page here
Moving on to our other upcoming Steam projects now and I’m pleased to say that the PC conversion of Way of the Samurai 4 is coming along really well. We’ve recently started to implement PC controls although these will probably undergo some refinement during testing. Also the required GUI changes (keyboard/mouse controls) are being added for the PC version of the game. With the release growing ever nearer, the PR machine (that’s me) has already started pestering the team for marketing materials for the game and our guys are busily producing some great artwork which you can expect to see in the very near future :).
Of course we’ve also been hard at work on Agarest: Generations Of War 2 which still has quite a way to go but we’re making steady progress. The latest playable that’s currently in test in our office is far more stable than previous builds and from what I’ve seen, the game is looking very good on the PC. This latest instalment in the Agarest saga is quite a departure from the first two as it features a revamped battle system, improved resolution for the character art, movies and environments as well as a totally new Agarest universe to explore. Fans of the first two instalments are going to love this!
Moving away from Steam and into the world of consoles now, and I can report that SMT: Lucifer’s Call is still in submission with SCEE but we’re hopeful for some good news in the next couple of weeks. We apologise for the delay on this, it’s really frustrating for all concerned, but we’re doing all we can to bring this title to the PSN store as soon as we can.
Don’t forget I’m going to be attending the Eurogamer Expo from today through to Sunday. You’ll find me helping Laughing Jackal out on the Flame Over stand (91N) so please do come and say “Hi!” :) and while you’re there you can try out Flame Over :)
Finally some of you may have noticed that the Steam front page has undergone some changes this week. One of the changes has been the addition of Steam Curators who you can follow for game recommendations. To abuse my powers over the blog for a touch of shameless self promotion I’ve become one of these Steam Curators. You can check out and perhaps follow my list here. I’d be curious to see what you think of it. Have any of you guys become Steam curator? If you have, feel free to link to yours in the comments. While I probably have far too many games to play at the moment, I’m always interested in hearing what else I should be playing :).
That’s all from me. I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
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