Ghostlight Blog

Digital Devil Saga is out on PSN

Thu, 5th Jun 2014 | Posted by Ross

Hi everyone.  Who’s looking forward to E3?  With all 3 of the current/next gen consoles well established we should get some big announcements about the games this year! :)

With a few days until the E3 carnival gets underway you’ll want something to do… If you’re a JRPG fan I think we may have just released the game for you! As promised in last week’s blog, the long-awaited release of the rather brilliant Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga took place yesterday. The game is priced at just £6.49/€7.99/$11.75 (AUD) and available from the PSN store here.

Digital Devil Saga was actually my first SMT game and served as a pretty good introduction to the series.  As you’d expect, the story telling is excellent and the combat system provides the player with a decent challenge, whilst retaining a really fun element.

We’ve also been hard at work with the PC port of Elminage Gothic this week, which is due out later this year. Since we announced Elminage we’ve replaced more of the PSP artwork, the menu designs have been reworked, and a new game font has been implemented.  After what seemed like an eternity I can now say that all the PSP character art has now been switched to the high res versions.

The Japanese-to-English translation is also progressing well and more of the game is now in English (making testing a little easier! :))

Speaking of Elminage, I’ve recently spent some more time looking through the collection of monster artwork from the game.  Since I’m now very much a fan of the monster designs (which mix the traditional with the downright bizarre) I thought I’d pick out a few more to show you all.

In other news last night the final piece of Agarest: Generations of War DLC, the Elegant Holiday Pack, was released on Steam for £1.59.  So if you want to add more DLC items to your game then you can visit here.

I should at this point remind you that we will in the near future be creating bundle packs of the Agarest DLC available at a discounted price should you wish to hold off on this one until then.

I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our  Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.

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