Agarest Zero DLC Bundle #6 makes its way to Steam
Hi everyone. So what’s new at Ghostlight this week you ask? Well, this week marks the release of the 6th and penultimate DLC Bundle for the mighty Agarest Zero on Steam and what a great bundle it is! Those of you wanting to be able to use characters from the original Agarest: Generations of War without first playing through the Digest Mode are in luck, because the latest DLC bundle contains all of the New Forbidden Books 1, 2 and 3. These books give you access to old favourites such as Borgnine, Winfield & Zerva from the very beginning of the game. This bundle will be priced at just £3.99, meaning you’ll be saving nearly 50% off the total cost of purchasing all three DLC items on console whose usual price would be £5.97!
Once the bundle lands this evening you’ll be able to pick it up from the Agarest Zero Steam page, here.
In other news, work on the PSP to PC conversion of Elminage Gothic has been going incredibly well and I’m pleased to say that the vast majority of the game has now been localised into English. There are still some very small pockets of Japanese text present in the game which we’re discovering through the pre-Beta testing phase, but we’re making great progress.
A big thank-you goes out to Tom for working with us on the English translation – he’s been doing a brilliant job on his first localisation project for Ghostlight :) In addition to the localisation process itself, we’ve also started adding some of the options specific to PC too, such as increased resolution for character/monster art, some amazing Steam Trading Cards and that all important windowed mode.
The conversion is going so well in fact, that we’re expecting the Steam Elminage Gothic closed Beta to be starting in the next couple of weeks. So, if you’re a hardened-dungeon-crawling-adventurer who’s interested in taking part in the Beta testing phase, we’ll soon be posting details on the blog of how to apply, so keep watching this space :)
In other news, the PSN Big in Japan sale which I detailed in last week’s blog ends on Wednesday 16th July so you still have a few days to bag yourself a bargain. There are some truly great savings to be had on the majority of our Japanese PSN catalogue, with many games having well over 50% off. For more details of the great deals on offer, be sure to visit here.
I’ll be back next week with more Elminage Gothic news and an update on the PC conversion of Agarest 2 (amongst other things), but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
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