Agarest DLC Bundle #7 comes to Steam
Hi everyone. It’s time for our last Bundle of Agarest: Generations Of War Zero DLC to go live and this one might be useful for the less patient among you. The Agarest Zero DLC Bundle #7 will allow you to unlock the Galleries, the Voices and all the Expressions, as well as give you access to the Unlock Movies Pack! All of these packs will be available for the single Bundle price of just £10.99 ($14.99) which is a massive saving compared to the usual price of £23.26 which is what it would currently cost to buy individually from PlayStation network for PS3.
The DLC Bundle #7 should be going up later today at which point it will be available from the Agarest Zero Store page here. And for the first time I’ll have the responsibility of being the one to hit the big red button to set it live :)
Moving away from Agarest Zero for a moment - as you might expect I’ve been focusing a lot of my time on Elminage Gothic (PC) for the last few days because the Steam closed beta started this week! Since this game has a lot of gameplay and hasn’t been released in English before, we’ve started the beta a bit earlier than we usually do in order to allow us enough time to catch and correct as many localisation bugs as possible. Already we have to say a huge thanks to the testers who have been working incredibly hard to find and report a lot of issues which we’re busy putting right. We’ve also received a few UI suggestions and some suggested tweaks to the game text which are all proving to be really helpful. So a big thank you goes out to all of you who are helping us with the first stage of the beta. Thanks people – you know who you are! :)
For those of you who were not invited into the first phase of the beta I’d just like to remind you that we will be opening applications in the next week or two. So please keep your eyes on the blog for more information on how to apply.
That’s all from me. I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
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