Agarest 2 Now In Beta!
Hi everyone. Thank you once again for all your recent applications for the Agarest 2 beta. Since development is going so well for the game, we now feel we are able to start accepting more people into the beta testing phase. If you have applied for the beta you should have either already received a reply informing you if you were selected, or should be receiving one in the very near future.
I should warn you though, that we have received far more applicants than we are able to include in the beta, so good luck! :)
In more good news, as we mentioned in last week’s blog, Neptunia Re;Birth1 will be released Friday 30th January on Steam by our very good friends over at Idea Factory International. I know there are some big Neptunia fans among us here so I hope you’re all looking forward to this Steam release as much as we are! :)
Finally, following on from the Agarest 2 announcement of two weeks ago, we’ve received some enquiries over whether Way of the Samurai 4 will receive any cuts to the game content. I’ve looked into it and I’ve been reliably informed that the Way of the Samurai 4 Steam release is going to be completely uncut. And yes this does mean that a certain hidden ‘nightcrawling’ section will still be present.
That’s all from me. I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
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