Agarest 2 is back in stock
Hi everyone. I have some good news for those of you who missed out on buying Agarest: Generations of War 2 from the Ghostlight Store upon release, as the Agarest: Generations of War 2 Standard Edition is now in stock and available for just £29.99. So why not hurry here and order your copy of this fantastic game?
Many of you have also been asking about the DLC for Agarest 2 and I can now reveal that the DLC will be released in October. We’re going to be releasing the 57 pieces of DLC weekly over a period of 5 weeks. We’re going to be announcing the final release date next week so stand by :).
In other news I’m going to be at the Eurogamer Expo this Saturday. I know quite a few of you guys are also going to be heading over to Earls Court, so if you see me please feel free to say hi. :)
That’s all for now. I’ll be back next week hopefully, with some positive news on our games – but until then you can follow Ghostlight on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight. You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
Is Ghostlight still looking at titles for the PS Vita since P4 Golden has now been taken.
@Kraigos We're still interested in publishing on the Vita :)
PLZ announce something for a sony console.
Great stuff! Hopefully guys u are also looking into The Legend of Heroes: FC for the PS3. Would be day one for many i am sure + big spread of word for the series!
Cool for people who love this game (not me but hey...). And when will Devil Survivor Overclocked will be ready to be in stock ? nah just kidding ;) (Can we hope for a little extra with the game ? an O.S.T. or more awesome a Collector Edition ?).
Ragnarok Odyssey looks like a nice title on the Vita. :)
Shame someone got to P4G first. However, you have to promise us you'll publish Persona 2: Eternal Punishment if Atlus localizes it :)
Agreeing with Matt here, Ragnarok Odyssey looks great! Any chances on that GL? Also, any word on DS:O? Just got a 3DS XL yesterday, looking forward to getting it!
@LordRed91 I've no news on Ragnarok Odyssey at the moment. As for Devil survivor: Overclocked I should have some news on that one soon :)
I'm loving Agarest 2. Will the DLC be available in Australia?
@thabananaman I believe it should be :)
@LordRed91 One of GungHo America's (flip, yeah!) first tasks will be to handle the publishing of three PS Vita game translations. Action-RPG Ragnorok Odyssey will be making its way over from the US to Europe, while puzzler Dokuro (which we covered earlier in the month) and social action-RPG Picotto Knights will be released in the US. source
Bought agarest 2. And very disapointed with it! Not because i dont like the game... I waited for it for a looong time, and was very exited when brouht it home. So...thanks for a localization. I studying japanese now so i hope it will be the last japanese game in english for me. Reasons why i am disapointed: - censor. Its pretty stupid and embarasing thing to do. - no install option. The game lagging as hell. I know its not your fault. - 2 months of waiting... C'mon, guys you could do better! I wish the first Agarest in US was on i'd buy the second and zero there...without delays and stupid censor and with dlc dungeons in store from the first day...
@Brotherkm - really? You're blaming GL for the censor? If they didn't censor certain things, the game would either be given a higher rating or not been sold at all. If you want to complain, complain to whoever regulates the ratings in your area.
I think that publisher must regulate this things with esrb or whoever! So if they failed in this matter once there will be more and more issues! There are more violent and harder in sex appeal games than this but ghostlight is not so big publisher to ignore rating companies recomendations, I admit. So... Game is is cutted and there is noone to complain to... Exept maybe IDea Factory. But they really dont care - its all about the money! No offence.