A Year of Blogging
A weird thing happened this week. I realised it’s been just over a year since I started writing these blogs and looking after our community. Time flies I guess :). My first post can be found here if you’re curious, or want to marvel at how young and innocent we all were. :) While it really wasn’t a direction I was expecting to go in, it has been a lot of fun keeping you up to date with the goings on at Ghostlight and chatting with some of you on Twitter. I’ve even got to meet a few of you in real life at various shows and conventions I’ve attended. While it’s a little cheesy, I’d like to thank you all for being so cool. Every so often you see some controversy working its way around the gaming forums and at those points I’m always quite grateful for how friendly our community is. Seriously, Ghostlight fans are awesome :).
On the subject of meeting people at conventions, I’m going to be at the Birmingham MCM Expo this Saturday, where I’m probably going to be buying too much manga and anime, so if anyone sees me there feel free to say hi. Or, if there’s any interest in an unofficial Ghostlight Community meet up at a nearby pub at some point I’d be open to that. Just let me know on my Twitter account.
At the moment we appear to be in one of those weeks where, while there’s a lot going on, there’s not much that’s ready for me to tell you about. I’m still testing Agarest: Generations of War 2 at the moment, which is going fairly well despite a rather annoying bug. Still, that one should be squashed soon and we still appear to be on track.
I also had yesterday off work for an outing to London with my Japanese class. We visited the Japanese Foundation for a talk on Japanese food. After 80 mouth-watering minutes we were taken to a rather nice Japanese pub/restaurant, which I wish I could remember the name of, for a meal. It was near Russell Square if any of you know which one it could have been :).
That’s all for now. See you next week (well, unless I see you up in Birmingham.) when if all goes well you’ll be able to pre-order Fate/EXTRA. Until then, why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
Could that Agarest bug, be the import Bug, that is cause, because Japan use circle button as X and X as Circle
who cares,. any word about DDS 1 & 2 & since we may get persona-2 EP can we have part of Ps2 classics programme persona 3-FES version & persona 4. thanks
@Rena It's actually an issue with the saves. @Alistair No news on DDS yet but I'll post it when we get a date. As for Persona 3 & 4 qw didn't publish them on PS2 so it's not our call.
Dare I look at the tripe I must have verbally farted back then :P Ofcourse nowadays all I talk is reasonable rational intellectual sense :D Shame I live in Scotland so no Ghostlight fun times for me, but you'd probably be disappointed anyway :P
opps that right i think it was koei who did Persona-3 FES & SE did EU person-4 but you did do P3P so why not get licence for Ps2 programme. koel didn't made the game. so who gonna licence person 4 golden for the vita?
@Pepsi_Biofusion You do make an appearence on that one :)@Alistair I believe the original publisher gets first dibs. We're aware the Vita P4 of it but we can't say more than that for the moment.
A year, already?! My god...that's how long I've been trolling for...and despite going to the same conventions (most of them) I've not once bumped into you... It's been a good year, and here's hoping for many more! P.S. A pre-order for next week (Thursday 5th April) on Fate/EXTRA would be the awesomest birthday present ever *_* (just saying...:D)
How did I manage to survive a year of you teasing game announcements? :P
@Eru I'll see what we can do :)
Ah! To celebrate (birthday and anniversary) I'm a crap artist, but here: If two or more GL staff can correctly guess how old I'll be, you can choose from which series I draw as a 'Thank You for Being Awesome' If you fail or forfeit, I choose what to draw. You win either way, because I really want to do this...which address would be best to send it to? You can DM me on Twitter @ivonecmx : )
Congratulations on the milestone. I for one have loved seeing someone make the effort to bring more JRPGs westward. To many more years of RPGs!
Well, happy first anniversary to the Ghostlight blog!! :D Here's hoping for another year of JRPG announcements. Will be keeping an eye out for Fate/EXTRA - it's my birthday in May and I'll be dropping heavy hints to certain friends!
Any chance of the Eternal Punishment PSP port coming over?
@Eru Twitter is failing to find you at the moment which is weird because I know I've seen you before on there but I'll see if I can come up with a guess. @Sera An ideal present :). @Anonymous We're taking PSP games one at a time at the moment but we're aware of the game.
wow a year already?
@Ross Crap! Just realised on the bus home and just now saw your message - that's my OLD account lol! It's @ShahzHam now (I couldn't resist tributing one of my fave superheroes)
I was wondering will Ghostlight have its own site on Fate/Extra? Also I`m on extra mode on agarest zero with Niel, Tetora, Apli, Ellis, Alice and Galios as my party and I`m having way too much trouble against Decimal and Chickapede, I want to steal all items and overkill bothe of them but they just mighty/grand breath my entire party. Any suggestions? I want to beat zero before 2 comes out! I just stole all items and overkilled Holy Dragon, that thing can go screw itself for breathing and hell gazing me, seriously that things range is ridiculous.
No that bug is, if you look on the status screen from the items, you cant cancel it by any button, and sometimes need to restart the game. and the trophies when you reach enough STR, Luck, DEF and that kinda things are frozen, i got enough points from all 6 and not even one trophy. and the game is very slow... [GL] Ross, i never notice something about the saves.
@Sins There will be a Fate/EXTRA page going up soon. As for Agarest Zero the memories are bit hazy at this point but I'll see what I can remember when I get a chance. @Jeffrey It's a new bug actually. I believe the one you mentioned is fixed.
Thank you Ross, wait, thats pretty deep into the game! Do you actually play/test from start to finish? Also will Gods be Agarest 2? I`m not talking about Chaos, Deeth, Mobius, Nemisis, Mercury and whats his name. I`m talking about Lenion and his group, the good Gods. For now I`ll do Decimal later and I`m doing the gods in Digest mode, its been tough but I`ve beaten the first 3 but I can`t help but wonder when I`m going to meet Lenion and the other Gods, Dark Gods are cool but when they have the same lines as the last game they`re not that interesting, especially you have to go through 2 stories to meet them. Anywho TIME TO SLAY SOME GODS!!!!! I really do hope we see the 6 Good Gods and I hope at least 3 of them are female.
Do i have to deposit funds on my credit card before preordering or is not necessary?
Hi, are you planning to publish the newest agarest title? Un/censored?^^ http://www.compileheart.com/agarest_m/#gallery
@Negi No Way!!!!! A NEW AGAREST GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Katsuyuki Hirano is not doing the character designs??!?!?!?! And ITS FOR PSP!!!!!!!!!!! It comes out in Japan this July. A new Agarest game is welcome but I have to say. While I`ll admit the characters are certainly cute, adorable and sexy and all I would have personally preffered Hirano to do the artwork like he`s done in the past 3 games but SERIOUSLY!!!!!! Ross did you know about this? I`m surprised it flew under my radar, I`m normally aware of new japanese games, I guess the characters don`t really scream agarest but still the new artist and it being on the PSP is definately a shock.
@Negi We're taking the PSP one game at a time at the moment. @rixi Funding is taken when you pre-order the game. @Sins Do you mean Summerill?
Summerill calls himself a God but he`s actually a larvae just like Vashtor, Arzest and so forth. I`m talking about Lenion who is essentially Chaos`s equal and the guy who pretty labeled Sieghart and co. to fight the Chaos`s larvae Summeril and his forces in Agarest. Yes I like to read the story. The 6 Dark Gods are Chaos, Mercury, Deeth, Nemisis, Mobius and whats-his-name. The 6 Light Gods are Lenion, Varna, Julius, Dialos, Arumana and Varna. they have been mentioned in both Agarest 1 and zeros stories and also the most powerful weapons in the game will have a description mentioning them if you take the time to read. In any case from what I heard none of them will be appearing in Agarest 2 unfortunately. Although I havent comfirmed it yet I wonder which God the vessel will be from in Agarest 2. Agarest 1 we had Dyshana who is the vessel of Chaos, Mimel was the Vessel of Deeth. These vessels are from the dark gods placed on earth and as far as the dark gods go the most important ones are Chaos and Mobius, Its probably Mobius. I`m sure he`ll be more involved somehow in agarest 2. I managed to beat Decimal and Summeril and I`m in the middle of Mobius and after beating him in digest and reading his probile, he must be pretty ticked being beaten twice. Seriously though you`d think after this many games Lenion would at least pop up in the boundary plane and say thanks for DOING MY OWN JOB for me. And now Agarest Mariage comes out with a completely new artist so my mental image of the Light Gods has been changed. I will refrain from talking about Agarest mariage until I play Agarest 2 and we get more info on mariage but I have to admit those CGs are a tad more ecchi than agarest 1 and zero. Also it took me a while but I know the character designer of mariage, Its BLADE the guy who did Macademi Wasshoi. I honestly don`t know what to say, With Hirano the characters look like they were cute, cool, dark and hence be taken seriously but with BLADE its like a saturday morning cartoon. Personally I would love to hear your opinoins on Agarest Mariage Ross, but perhaps you want to wait till Agarest2 comes out or when there no more info on Mariages gameplay. Regardless I`m excited for Agarest 2 and I await the enemy we all know and love JUMBO COCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way the Dark and Ligh Gods will be default but will we have any cameos or mentions of characters from past games?
@Sins Not that I've noticed but I could have easily missed something.