A look at the Devil Survivor 2 “Gold Edition”
Hi everyone. Thank you all so much for your amazing support for the Devil Survivor 2 pre-order campaign so far. We’ve made a solid start but after just under a week since the pre-orders went live, I can tell you that we’re still a fair way from reaching our target of 1800 pre-orders. I hope to have exact figures for you shortly, but in the meantime please keep helping us spread the word to all those JRPG fans out there.
You may have noticed that our website was struggling last week under the extra traffic created by the DS2 campaign, so you’ll be pleased to hear that our IT chief has arranged a much needed upgrade to our website’s capacity (thanks Ben!) This should mean that if you’ve been trying to pre-order Devil Survivor 2 over the last week and weren’t able to, then now’s a great time to try again :)
Our designers have created a mock-up image of the Gold Edition pack that we’re offering for Devil Survivor 2. Check out this picture to see what the poster and alternative gold coloured logo will look like. Obviously we aren’t able to show you your name in the manual (yet), so you’ll just have to imagine that part :)
You can pick up this great edition of the game and get your name in the manual for just £24.99/€29.99 from here. Alternatively, if you want to save £10 on Devil Survivor Overclocked at the same time, you can buy it with the above package for just £49.98/€59.98 (usual price £59.98/€69.98) from here.
Remember, pre-orders will close on Friday 30th August, by which time we hope to have reached our target. If we hit the required 1800 units, then we’re expecting Devil Survivor 2 to be released by the end of September. However, should we not meet this quota then everyone who ordered Devil Survivor 2 will receive a full refund, while those who ordered the double pack will have the option to receive Devil Survivor Overclocked with the £10.00 discount. (Sorry to keep repeating this info, but we want everyone to be clear on everything.)
In other news, our thrilling 3DS action-driving game Crash City Mayhem (created by the lovely folk over at Rocket Company in Japan) is now on sale on the 3DS eShop. The price has been reduced by a massive 50% from £17.99 down to just £8.99! The sale will run from August 8th until August 22nd so make sure you grab the game at this amazing price while you have the chance.
Lastly, I have some Agarest news for you all. Thanks to the hard work of the guys at Laughing Jackal along with our intrepid band of beta testers, we are now fast approaching our first Agarest: Generation of War PC master candidate. We’ve been busy squashing the last few remaining bugs as well as integrating the DLC, so this means that while we’re not quite there yet, we’re not too far off being able to announce a release date.
That’s all for now, but if you haven’t already done so you can pre-order Devil Survivor 2 here, or here if you want to pick up Devil Survivor Overclocked too. I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
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