Ghostlight Blog
Fri, 29th Nov 2013 | Posted by Ross
Hi everyone. I’m pleased to inform you that Agarest is currently available with a 40% discount as part of the Steam Autumn Sale. To get Agarest at this bargain price, please visit the Agarest page on the Steam Store here. The sale ends on the 3rd December.
Finally, thank you to everyone who answered our questions about DLC in the previous blog. We’re looking at all your feedback and will be taking it into account for future releases.
I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
Thu, 21st Nov 2013 | Posted by Ross
Some of you may have noticed the ongoing discussion regarding the volume of Agarest DLC we’ve recently released. I made the following post on the Steam forums and thought it would be a good idea to bring the debate here to get your thoughts on it.
“Hi everyone. Thank you for all your recent comments regarding the DLC for Agarest on Steam. This is our first PC game and we’re still learning about some of the differences between the PC and console markets! :)
We appreciate your concerns about the volume of DLC available (admittedly there is a lot) but we can assure you that all the DLC was taken from the Japanese console version, and we wanted to offer it to you in order to replicate the same experience that was originally made available in Japan. We also just wanted to make it clear that the DLC is entirely optional and isn’t required in order to be able to complete the game. The only DLC that includes new gameplay content (the additional dungeons) was included in the PC release free of charge, while the rest was designed for gamers who feel they could use a little extra help with the game.
As I’ve said, we’re still learning about the requirements of PC gamers, so we’d genuinely like to hear more of your thoughts on DLC and how you’d like us to handle other games that use the same DLC model in the future. “
Please let us know what you think in the comments below or via the Steam forum thread we’ve set up, which you can find here.
Lastly, I’m afraid that we’ve had to delay the Ghostlight Giveaway I mentioned last week. Don’t worry though, as I’m sure we’ll be opening it up as soon we finish rooting around the Ghostlight warehouse for prizes :).
I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
Thu, 14th Nov 2013 | Posted by Ross
Hi everyone. The eighth and final batch of Agarest DLC will be released today on Steam. It’s a bit of a bumper crop, with something for everyone who’s struggling with some of the higher difficulties.
So, what items of DLC are being released today? Here’s a quick rundown of what you can expect to see appearing on the Steam Store in the next few hours:
- Ultimate-Equipment Pack ($2.99): - Containing 1 Zefalon, 1 Rod of Omniscience, 1 Wind of Carillon, and 1 Dragon Frame
- Playful-Cat Pack ($2.99): - Containing 1 Legendary Cat's Paw, 1 Sigil Wing, 1 Hiyokomaki, and 1 Demon Frame
- Rebellious Pack ($2.99): - Containing 1 Holy Spear Haken Meteor, 1 Rebellion, 1 Core Elemental, and 1 Aegis.
- Additional-PP Pack 2 ($9.99): - This will increase your PP by 10,000! PP are shared points for your entire party and can be used to increase anyone's stats. It's up to you whether to assign them equally or spoil certain members by giving them more points.
- Unlock Gallery ($9.99): - Purchase this to unlock the gallery right away. Please keep in mind though that you can also unlock everything yourself by playing the game. This just unlocks everything in the gallery right away.
- Unlock Voices ($9.99): - Purchase this to unlock all of the bonus voices. It won't unlock the profiles, though. Please keep in mind though that you can also unlock everything yourself by playing the game. This just unlocks all the bonus voices right away.
While this is the last batch of DLC we are currently looking at some more bonus goodies we can bring to PC, of which you can expect more news in the near future,
Finally, if you like competitions you should keep your eyes peeled for next week’s blog as we are currently working on another Ghostlight Giveaway.
I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
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