Ghostlight Blog

Ghostlight are bringing Agarest: Generations of War Zero to Steam

Thu, 23rd Jan 2014 | Posted by Ross

Hi everyone.

Welcome to the first Ghostlight blog of 2014. Towards the end of last year we promised that we would be revealing the next JRPG we are bringing to PC via Steam.  Well, as a few of you have guessed (probably a lot of you, given the title of this blog!) our next PC JRPG will be Agarest: Generations of War Zero

I’m hearing rumours that the price will be $19.99 although you should keep a look out for some pre-purchase discounts :).  The conversion to PC is already in full swing and we’re making great progress.  So much so that we’re currently aiming to release Agarest Zero in the first quarter of 2014. Here’s a little info about this epic adventure:

In a time long forgotten, the gods of darkness and light fought in a savage battle across generations, ravaging the land they had created.  A deadlock ensued leaving the Scarred Mountains to divide the continent between the sworn enemies.

With wounds running so deep, the balance could not last forever and soon the darkness would arise to face its foe once again.  In this most pivotal installment of our epic tale, we take you back to that most ancient of battles revealing the story of events preceding Agarest: Generations Of War...

...While patrolling the mountains, Sieghart, a young officer loyal to the armies of light, meets a strange girl.  This chance meeting will change the world...

  • Watch the story unfold as you battle hordes of creatures in more than 80hrs of compelling turn-based combat.
  • Utilise the tactical new Card Skill System to shape the combat style of your uniquely created hero.
  • Featuring stunning new and beautifully animated character portraits, displaying a variety of emotions.
  • The innovative Soul Breed System returns! Choose your bride to determine the strengths and fate of the world’s next heroic generation of warriors.

We’re going to be revealing more details of the release (and of our customary closed Beta) closer to launch time, so please keep your eyes on the blog for more information as and when it arrives.

Also coming up on the Ghostlight blog this year we will be announcing more details of the Agarest: Generations of War Premium Edition, which will be available both as a separate purchase and as an upgrade for those who have already purchased the game on Steam.

Oh yes, and before I forget we are also expecting to be able to confirm two new Steam titles in the very near future. :)

While we intend to focus on bringing Japanese games to the West both on Steam and on console, from time to time we do release games produced a bit closer to home (and in this case it’s very close to home! :))  As some of you have seen me mention on Twitter, the next title we bring to Steam will be the fabulous OMG Zombies from Laughing Jackal, which is currently slated for a mid-February release.  OMG Zombies is a PC port of the critically acclaimed Vita title OMG HD Zombies and includes all the new features that were introduced in that version of the game.  More details on what is one of my favourite Laughing Jackal titles can be found here and some of you may be interested to know that there is currently a closed Beta running for this game.  If you would be interested in helping us and Laughing Jackal make the PC version of this game as good as it can be (and at the same time getting your hands on the game early) then please contact the team about joining the closed Beta here.

I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our  Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.

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Merry Christmas 2013

Mon, 16th Dec 2013 | Posted by Ross

Merry Christmas everyone and on behalf of everyone at the team here, I’d like to thank you for all your incredible support throughout 2013.

2013 has also been a very busy year and your support has been really important to us all here at Ghostlight.  Not only did you help us take Agarest to a new platform by breaking through Greenlight at breakneck speed, putting us at the number one Top Sellers spot, but you also helped us bring Devil Survivor 2 to Europe!  We really couldn’t have done either without your support, so thank you.

This year also saw the release of what must sadly be one of the last physical PSP games as Elminage was sold exclusively through our website.  Moving on to a more modern platform, we also released Devil Survivor Overclocked on the 3DS.  As some of you will remember, this release didn’t quite go exactly as planned as a fairly troublesome bug was found shortly after release.  While this issue was fixed in a patch we have made changes to ensure that this doesn’t happen again :)

Also on the 3DS, we released the amazing action driving game Crash City Mayhem exclusively to eShop.  While this was very different from our usual fare, it was a lot of fun to work on.

Moving on to 2014, In addition to bringing our sister company’s OMG HD Zombies to Steam we’re expecting to have at least one announcement early next year when we will be revealing our next Japanese Steam title.  We’re also working hard to secure the rights to several other fantastic Japanese games across a variety of formats so expect a few surprises :)

Merry Christmas everyone and I hope you all have a fantastic 2014!

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The Great Ghostlight Giveaway is here!

Fri, 6th Dec 2013 | Posted by Ross

Hi everyone.  Do you like the idea of winning some great prizes from the Ghostlight archives?  You do?  Great! :)  Because, we just happen to have a tasty selection of goodies that we’re putting up for grabs in a massive competition giveaway. One lucky winner will receive all of the following...(takes a deep breath)...

  • SMT: Devil Survivor 2 ‘Gold Edition’ DS Game
  • SMT: Digital Devil Saga PS2 Game
  • SMT: Digital Devil Saga 2 PS2 Game
  • SMT Digital Devil Saga 2 Official Soundtrack CD in DVD Case + inlay
  • Agarest: Generations of War 2 PS3 Game
  • Agarest: Generations of War 2 Messenger Bag
  • Agarest: Generations of War 2 Baseball Cap
  • Agarest: Generations of War 2 T-Shirt
  • Agarest: Generations of War 2 Official Soundtrack CD in Jewel Case + inlay
  • Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky PSP Game
  • Fate/EXTRA PSP Game

Please note that we will be giving away the PAL version of all the above games.

...Phew!  Now that’s quite a hoard of goodies!  To be in with a chance of winning this little lot, all you have to do is let us know your favourite game of the previous generation of consoles - look at us being all topical! :)  Just add your answer to the comments section of this blog before Sunday 14th December, and you’ll automatically be entered into our prize draw.   We’ll announce the winner on this blogpost the following Monday, so be sure to check back here as we’ll also be providing information on how to claim your prize.

Please do not enter the competition with a guest account, as this would mean we would be unable to give you your prize.

I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our  Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.

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