Ghostlight Blog
Fri, 18th Jul 2014 | Posted by Daren
Hi everyone. Ok, Ok, so the title is a bit corny, but it’s certainly very apt because we’ve had another very busy week here with work focusing solely on our three mighty Steam titles - two of which you know already and one still unannounced :-)
I’d rather not say too much about the unannounced one yet because I know how much you’d all hate it if I gave too much away too quickly :-) but I can tell you that whilst it is a Japanese game, it‘s rather different to most of our current catalogue of titles.
As you might expect, most of my focus this week has been on Elminage Gothic which has definitely been scratching an old school D&D itch for me. The English translation is all but complete (thanks to Tom :-)) and following the addition of some higher resolution artwork, the game has improved massively compared to when I first started looking at preliminary PSP-to-PC builds earlier this year.

Krein the ghost
We’re just working on ironing out a few last minute issues before the game goes into stage 1 of its closed beta early next week. Entry to Stage 1 is being done by invite only and we will be mostly using gamers who’ve been so kind in helping us out with previous closed betas. The invites have already been sent out but if you haven’t received one, don’t despair as we’ll be opening applications to the imaginatively titled “Stage 2” of the Elminage Gothic beta in the coming weeks. As usual keep your eyes on the blog for more information on how to apply. I’ll hopefully have more news for you all regarding Elminage Gothic’s release date, price and details of the title’s pre-purchase bonuses very soon :-)

Arch Demon
Next, I have a little update for you on Agarest: Generations of War 2. Currently most of the work on this one has been on the technical side of things as our programmers have been busily rewriting and replacing the original PlayStation® 3 libraries ready for the PC version – no small task! Until this process is complete we’re not able to fully run the game on PC, so as you might expect I haven’t managed to get my teeth into this one much yet - but I can’t wait! I have, however, been spending quite a bit of time working on a new control method for the PC version. Adapting the controls hasn’t proved too troublesome a task, aside from the battle system which still needs a little more thought given to it. As you may be aware, Agarest 2 has a different, much faster paced battle system compared to the first two games in the series and it’s proving a bit harder to nail down a mouse & keyboard replacement for the battle wheel. There’s still plenty of time to work on improving the system though, and we’ll hopefully have it sorted as we go into early testing - I’ll be looking forward to feedback on the control system from our Beta testers a little further down the line.
That’s all from me. I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
Thu, 10th Jul 2014 | Posted by Ross
Hi everyone. So what’s new at Ghostlight this week you ask? Well, this week marks the release of the 6th and penultimate DLC Bundle for the mighty Agarest Zero on Steam and what a great bundle it is! Those of you wanting to be able to use characters from the original Agarest: Generations of War without first playing through the Digest Mode are in luck, because the latest DLC bundle contains all of the New Forbidden Books 1, 2 and 3. These books give you access to old favourites such as Borgnine, Winfield & Zerva from the very beginning of the game. This bundle will be priced at just £3.99, meaning you’ll be saving nearly 50% off the total cost of purchasing all three DLC items on console whose usual price would be £5.97!
Once the bundle lands this evening you’ll be able to pick it up from the Agarest Zero Steam page, here.
In other news, work on the PSP to PC conversion of Elminage Gothic has been going incredibly well and I’m pleased to say that the vast majority of the game has now been localised into English. There are still some very small pockets of Japanese text present in the game which we’re discovering through the pre-Beta testing phase, but we’re making great progress.

A big thank-you goes out to Tom for working with us on the English translation – he’s been doing a brilliant job on his first localisation project for Ghostlight :) In addition to the localisation process itself, we’ve also started adding some of the options specific to PC too, such as increased resolution for character/monster art, some amazing Steam Trading Cards and that all important windowed mode.

The conversion is going so well in fact, that we’re expecting the Steam Elminage Gothic closed Beta to be starting in the next couple of weeks. So, if you’re a hardened-dungeon-crawling-adventurer who’s interested in taking part in the Beta testing phase, we’ll soon be posting details on the blog of how to apply, so keep watching this space :)

In other news, the PSN Big in Japan sale which I detailed in last week’s blog ends on Wednesday 16th July so you still have a few days to bag yourself a bargain. There are some truly great savings to be had on the majority of our Japanese PSN catalogue, with many games having well over 50% off. For more details of the great deals on offer, be sure to visit here.
I’ll be back next week with more Elminage Gothic news and an update on the PC conversion of Agarest 2 (amongst other things), but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
Thu, 3rd Jul 2014 | Posted by Ross
Hi everyone.
I’ve got some good news for all you PlayStation gamers who were watching enviously as we were discussing the Steam Summer Sale. With the start of the PSN Big in Japan Sale, we have put together a list of games that have massive savings on some of the best JRPGs on the PSN Store.
So what have good old Ghostlight got for you? ;)
PS3 owners will be pleased to hear that both Agarest: Generations of War Zero & Agarest: Generations of War 2 will have their price slashed. Agarest Zero has had its price cut from €24.99 (£19.99) to €9.99 (£7.99) and Agarest 2 has dropped from €34.99 (£27.99) to just €16.99 (£12.99).
Of course we’ve also got something for those of you with a PSP or Vita! If you’ve always fancied picking up some Persona games then you’ll be pleased to hear that all of our Persona titles have received discounts. The truly brilliant Persona 3 Portable is reduced from €29.99 (£23.99) to just €12.99 (£9.99) or, you can pick up the superb Persona 3 Portable/ Persona 2: Innocent Sin bundle for a measly €21.99 (£17.99), reduced from the usual price of €49.99 (£39.99), meaning you save even more!
Persona 2 has also had its price reduced from €29.99 (£23.99) to €11.25 (£8.99) and the bundle containing Persona 2 and Trails in the Sky has had its price cut from €49.99 (£39.99) to €21.99 (£17.99).
Moving away from the Persona series, the fabulous Trails in the Sky is now €12.99 (£9.99) rather than €29.99 (£23.99) and Fate/EXTRA has had its price cut too, from €29.99 (£23.99) to just €11.25 (£8.99). Meanwhile the old-school dungeon crawler Elminage Original has had its price reduced from €19.99 (£15.99) to €7.49 (£5.99). Finally Spectral Souls: Resurrection of the Ethereal Empires has had its price slashed from €14.99 (£11.99) to a puny €6.19 (£4.99).
So, make sure you check out the PSN store before the sale ends on the 16th July!
I’ll be back next week with news of Elminage and Agarest 2, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
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