Ghostlight Blog
Thu, 25th Sep 2014 | Posted by Ross
Hi everyone. It’s been almost one week since the release of our amazing dungeon-crawler, Elminage Gothic, which means that the 20% discount is about to end. In fact it will be gone within hours, so if you haven’t yet bought the game and want to take advantage of this special offer to get the game for just £5.59 then you’d better get your skates on and hurry over to the store page here
Moving on to our other upcoming Steam projects now and I’m pleased to say that the PC conversion of Way of the Samurai 4 is coming along really well. We’ve recently started to implement PC controls although these will probably undergo some refinement during testing. Also the required GUI changes (keyboard/mouse controls) are being added for the PC version of the game. With the release growing ever nearer, the PR machine (that’s me) has already started pestering the team for marketing materials for the game and our guys are busily producing some great artwork which you can expect to see in the very near future :).
Of course we’ve also been hard at work on Agarest: Generations Of War 2 which still has quite a way to go but we’re making steady progress. The latest playable that’s currently in test in our office is far more stable than previous builds and from what I’ve seen, the game is looking very good on the PC. This latest instalment in the Agarest saga is quite a departure from the first two as it features a revamped battle system, improved resolution for the character art, movies and environments as well as a totally new Agarest universe to explore. Fans of the first two instalments are going to love this!
Moving away from Steam and into the world of consoles now, and I can report that SMT: Lucifer’s Call is still in submission with SCEE but we’re hopeful for some good news in the next couple of weeks. We apologise for the delay on this, it’s really frustrating for all concerned, but we’re doing all we can to bring this title to the PSN store as soon as we can.
Don’t forget I’m going to be attending the Eurogamer Expo from today through to Sunday. You’ll find me helping Laughing Jackal out on the Flame Over stand (91N) so please do come and say “Hi!” :) and while you’re there you can try out Flame Over :)
Finally some of you may have noticed that the Steam front page has undergone some changes this week. One of the changes has been the addition of Steam Curators who you can follow for game recommendations. To abuse my powers over the blog for a touch of shameless self promotion I’ve become one of these Steam Curators. You can check out and perhaps follow my list here. I’d be curious to see what you think of it. Have any of you guys become Steam curator? If you have, feel free to link to yours in the comments. While I probably have far too many games to play at the moment, I’m always interested in hearing what else I should be playing :).
That’s all from me. I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
Thu, 18th Sep 2014 | Posted by Daren

Hello everyone!
While Ross is away, busily topping up his sun tan in Italy we thought we’d better step up to the plate and remind you all that the mighty Elminage Gothic will be launched today on Steam! This classic offering of old school dungeon crawling will be priced at just $9.99, but if you pick it up during the first week of release you’ll still benefit from the handsome pre-purchase discount of 20%!
To pick up your copy of Elminage Gothic from Steam click here.
Bringing Elminage Gothic to PC from PSP has been quite an undertaking and we’ve learned a lot along the way that will definitely help us in our upcoming ventures. Huge thanks go out to… the hard working team here at Ghostlight and Laughing Jackal (especially Martin, Jake and Ben); Tom for providing us with a top notch translation; Starfish SD for being excellent and working so closely with us throughout the conversion process; the brilliant army of beta testers (you know who you are) and to all our fans who continue to support us on our journey by buying our games and offering us their valued feedback. With PC versions of both Agarest: Generations Of War 2 and Way Of The Samurai 4 (along with a few others) already in the pipeline, all we can say is, long may our journey continue! :-)
And for anyone not sure what Elminage Gothic is all about, here’s a brief description for you:
In ancient times, the Great and Dark Gods clashed in a ferocious war over Man's control of the world, bringing despair and ruin to the lives of all humans.
As the conflict raged, the Great Gods sought to vanquish the power of the Dark Gods through the faith of humans. In return for their faith, the Gods promised humans a world of peace and prosperity and thereby a contract between humans and the Great Gods was formed.
By the contract, the Dark Gods could not interfere with the world of humans and were forever sealed inside their world of darkness. The people worshiped the Great Gods in thanks for their prosperity, and the world entered an era of peace.
The humans grew complacent and allowed their faith to fade.
Now, in the far-off realm of Ishmag, King Jardin ushers in an age of peace. Unknown to him, the dark powers have already begun reaching out in secret, planting the seeds to bring about the revival of the Dark Gods into the hearts of men. Foul and hideous creatures are emerging from the deep, treacherous caves of Tsun-Kurn and rumours of a rising evil are creeping across the peaceful lands.
It is up to you to arm yourself and descend into the depths of Tsun-Kurn in an attempt to put an end to the ever growing darkness and save your kingdom.
From the makers of the world renowned “Wizardry Empire” titles, Starfish SD brings you the latest entry in their popular series of dungeon crawlers. Elminage Gothic, previously only available in Japanese on PlayStation® Portable, now comes to PC offering a classic old school dungeon crawling experience with a dark, gothic twist!
- Featuring well over 80 hours of classic dungeon crawling gameplay!
- Choose from 16 different character classes including Hunter, Thief, Summoner and Valkyrie
- Battle and defeat over 400 stunning monsters, creatures and demons!
- Employ over 70 spell types as you descend through multiple dungeons
- Collect and arm yourself with over 600 different items
- Featuring the classic and traditional “THAC0” battle system
- Now fully translated into English for the first time!
This PC conversion also features a number of improvements over the original, including:
- Higher resolution art
- Improved user interface
- 8 stunning Steam Trading Cards to collect!
And just a final reminder to those PSP and Vita owners who have yet to purchase the top ranked Persona 3 Portable; this title is currently on sale on PSN as part of the Retro Sale with a whopping 57% discount down from £23.99 to just £9.99! And if you’re a PS+ subscriber you’ll receive an additional 10% discount on top of that! The sale will end next Wednesday September 25th, so don’t leave it too long! :)
That’s all from us for this week. Ross will be back next week, with an update on Agarest 2 and Way Of The Samurai 4, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow Ross on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
Thu, 11th Sep 2014 | Posted by Daren

Hi everyone. I’m currently off sunning myself in Italy (actually I’m probably on a plane at this point) but through the magic of the Ghostlight blog I’m still able to tell you the latest news from Ghostlight. And it’s a good thing I can, as I have quite a bit of news for you all.
First of all, after many hours of hard work by our team (along with our army of beta testers), I’m pleased to say that the fantastic dungeon crawler, Elminage Gothic will be available for pre-purchase later today. Elminage Gothic was originally a PSP dungeon Crawler from the developers of the Wizardry Empires series and this release marks not only its English language debut, but also its first release on PC.
Elminage Gothic goes on sale Thursday, 18th September priced at just $9.99 and will include a very handsome 20% discount which will be applied during the first week of sale. You can order the game even sooner than that though, as the Steam pre-purchase period opens today. During the pre-purchase period anyone who buys the game will not only benefit from the same 20% discount, but will receive an exclusive 118 page digital Artbook & Monster Guide (the mighty “Bestiarum Vocabulum”) along with a digital copy of the Official Soundtrack, featuring over 60 minutes of music! :)
To get your Elminage Gothic Pre-purchase Pack click here.
Please note that the Artbook and OST will cease to be available when the pre-purchase period ends on the 18th September, and we cannot guarantee that they will be available for purchase at a later date.
Now, moving briefly onto one of our other Steam games and I’m happy to report that the first playable PC build of Agarest 2 has recently reared it’s fearsome head in our office! I haven’t played this build myself yet, but understandably I’ve been told the build is fairly unstable at present. However, while there’s a lot of hard work ahead, it’s always nice to reach a key milestone like this and since a lot of you have been asking about this title I thought I’d share the good news. You can expect more news on Agarest 2’s progress in the coming weeks, along with some updates on Way Of The Samurai 4 too! :)
And if all that news isn’t enough, those PSP and Vita owners who have not yet purchased the top ranked Persona 3 Portable will be pleased to know that the game is currently on sale on PSN as part of the Retro Sale. The price of the game will be reduced by 57% from £23.99 down to £9.99 for a limited time. And if you’re a PS+ subscriber you’ll receive an additional 10% discount on top of that!
I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
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