Ghostlight Blog
Fri, 26th Feb 2016 | Posted by Ross
Hi everyone,
You might remember the Japanese action game I’ve been talking about for what seems like an eternity now? :) Well, the great news is that I’ve been told that we’ll be able to announce the game early next week.
This has been one of the most requested games recently, and we’ve been receiving loads of emails asking us to release this one on Steam, so I’m really looking forward to telling you all about it next week!
To make this news even better, this game is almost ready for release, so after what should be a short beta, starting almost immediately after the announcement, we should be able to announce a release date for the not too distant future. Yay!
It’s taken us a lot longer than we’d wanted to be in a position to announce this one, so I hope that you’ll all agree that it’s been worth the wait come next week. See you all then. :)
Thu, 11th Feb 2016 | Posted by Ross
Hi everyone.
We’ve got some news this week, but before I get to it I thought I’d remind you all about the Steam Lunar New Year Sale, which ends tomorrow evening (UK time). While the sale lasts you can save up to 80% on our Steam releases, the full list of which you can find in our previous blog posts. When looking at the list, please remember that all discounts also apply to the games’ DLC.
Speaking of the Steam Lunar New Year Sale, what do you think of it? Have you picked up any games in it? I’ve picked up a few bargains myself :).
In other news, I’m pleased to be able to tell you that Mugen Souls will be joining many of our other games on the Humble Store in the near future. Of course, if you’d rather not wait you can pick it up now on the Steam Store, where it is - of course - currently discounted by 40%, leaving the price at just £8.99.
Finally, I recently had a quick look at the Cubixx HD Steam leaderboard and I was disappointed to see that you’re all still quite a long way off the all-time high score, which is highfvi’s ginormous 241,123,491.

As you can see, the all-time high score see is nearly 20 times the amount that anyone has scored on PC (and the current Steam high score is mine, so that doesn’t really count!) So, if you’d like to attempt to restore honour for PC users then you can pick Cubixx HD up on the Steam Store. With the current 35% discount it’s a measly £3.89! If you’re a PS3 user who wants to really rub it in, you can pick up Cubixx HD on PSN. :)
That’s all from me. I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
Fri, 5th Feb 2016 | Posted by Ross
Hi everyone,
Well, this is a nice surprise! :)
As some of you may have noticed, a brand new Steam Sale (The Lunar New Year Sale) has now begun! This means there are lots of great deals on all of our Steam games! As usual, all discounts apply not only to the base game, but to all of its associated DLC too:
Way of the Samurai 4, (regular price $24.99) has a 50% discount
Agarest: Generations of War (regular price $14.99) has a 75% discount
Agarest: Generations of War Zero (regular price $19.99) has a 65% discount
Agarest Generations of War 2 (regular price $19.99) has a 60% discount
Agarest: The Complete Saga (regular price $59.99) has a 70% discount
Mugen Souls (regular price $19.99) has a 50% discount
Elminage Gothic (regular price $9.99) has a 70% discount
Flame Over (regular price $11.99) has an 80% discount
OMG Zombies! (regular price $4.99) has an 80% discount
Cubixx HD (regular price $8.99) has a 35% discount
In other news, we are slowly inching our way towards being able to announce our next couple of games. I know this wait has been frustrating for you all (you’ve told me that on Twitter! :)), but it’s been just as frustrating for me. It’s not like I enjoy all the teases - well, actually I do - but I honestly really want to tell you! More news soon I hope. :)
That’s all from me. I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
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