Ghostlight Blog
Fri, 24th Feb 2012 | Posted by Ross
Hi Everyone. As promised last week, we do have an announcement for our Australian fans. I’m delighted to be able to tell you that Persona 2: Innocent Sin will be released on the Australian PSN Store on the 29th February, priced at just $54.95 joining The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky which is already available on the Australian PSN Store for $54.95. We’re also going to be making our Persona 2/Trails in the Sky double pack available on the Australian Store priced at $99.95. A release date for this bundle pack will be announced in the coming weeks.
Persona 2: Innocent Sin will also be made available as part of a bundle with Persona 3 Portable which will go on sale on the 29th February for $79.95
Talking of Persona 2, some of you will remember the Framed Collector’s Editions we mentioned on this blog a few weeks ago. Well I’m pleased to be able to report that we believe we have found a way to offer a very limited number of these at a premium price. We’re still finalising the last few details of this offer but expect some more news on this very soon so watch this space :).
Finally, on to Chart Watch where Persona 3 Portable remains in 8th place in the PSP Chart.
That’s all for now. I’ll be back soon but until then, why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight. You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
Thu, 16th Feb 2012 | Posted by Al
Note: As Ross is ill today (get well soon!) I'm posting this on his behalf) - Thanks! Al :)
Hi Everyone. Since I posted last week’s blog our amazing Valentine’s Sale has started. With savings of up to 66% and exclusive previously-unreleased posters being sent out with selected games there are some fantastic bargains available. The offer ends Monday 20th February, so with only a few days left you should definitely go and check out what we’ve got on offer over on the official sale page.
Anyway, that’s enough of the salesman act. Aside from our terrific offers there’s lots of other news here at Ghostlight. Fate/EXTRA is coming along very nicely. So nicely in fact that the code is already going through the approval process with Sony. While I can’t spill any more beans yet, I believe we should have a release date plus details of the special Collector’s Edition for you shortly..
I’ve been working on Agarest: Generations of War 2 this week and so far, while there are several radical changes from the previous two games in the series, I am really enjoying it. The combat feels slick and fluid and the presentation has really stepped up since the previous games. Not only that, but I’ve really been impressed by the way commissions/titles are integrated more closely into the game itself. Those of you with a similar sense of humour to me will be pleased to note the Jumbo Cock also makes a return this time around :-). I hope that’s whetted your appetites somewhat! I’m sure I’ll be back with more thoughts on Agarest 2 closer to release.
In the comments section of the last blog post, dgnfly picked up one of the hints I made a few weeks ago and asked if we were planning on putting any of our PS2 games on the PSN. At the time I couldn’t reveal anything, as we were awaiting Sony’s announcement, but since the cat is now out of the bag and several PS2 games are already on the PSN Store, I can now tell you all that we will be bringing Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga and Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga II to the PSN Storein the near future.
Finally, on to Chart Watch: Persona 3 Portable has re-entered the PSP Chart in 8th place, nudging Persona 2: Innocent Sin down to 9th and Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky down to 10th.
I’ll be back next week with news for all our Australian fans regarding Persona 2’s eagerly awaited arrival on the PSN (SEN?) Store down under. Until then, why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
Thu, 9th Feb 2012 | Posted by Ross
Ah, Valentine’s Day! A time, of course, for love, romance and how about some great games at bargain prices? Yes, here at Ghostlight we’re sharing the love on Valentine’s Day the only way we know how: with a massive sale!
Whether you’re looking for the perfect present for your loved one or something for a quiet night in, away from all those swooning couples, we’ve got the games for you. And to make it even better we’re also offering some exclusive swag freshly looted from the Ghostlight warehouse.
Our Valentine’s Sale runs from the 13th February to the 20th February, so don’t miss your chance to catch some great savings.
Paying attention? Here’s what’s on offer:
Digital Devil Saga (PS2): Was £29.99. Now just £12.99!
Digital Devil Saga 2 Standard Edition (PS2) + CE soundtrack and x2 previously unreleased double-sided A1 poster: Was £29.99. Now just £14.99!
Lucifer’s Call (PS2): Was £29.99. Now just £9.99!
Shadow Hearts: From the New World + x2 previously unreleased double-sided A1 poster: Was £29.99. Now just £12.99!
Persona 3 Portable Standard Edition (PSP): Was £29.99. Now just £19.99!
Persona 2 Collector's Edition (PSP) + P2 T-Shirt: Was £39.99. Now just £29.99!
Trails in the Sky Collector’s Edition (PSP) + Poster: Was £39.99. Now just £29.99!
Persona 2 & Trails in the Sky CE (PSP) + P2 T-Shirt and Trails Poster: Was £69.98. Now just £54.99!
Agarest: GoW Standard Edition (PS3): Was £24.99. Now just £17.99!
Agarest: GoW ZERO SE (PS3) + Agarest Generations Of War ZERO T-Shirt: Was £29.99. Now just £19.99!
Agarest: GoW ZERO CE (PS3) + Agarest Generations Of War ZERO T-Shirt: Was £39.99. Now just £29.99!
Agarest SE & Agarest ZERO CE (PS3): Was £44.99. Now just £39.99!
Please note all posters are A1 sized and are rolled and sent in a reinforced cardboard tube.
Talking of exclusives, after lots of requests we’re looking into offering a very limited number of the specially framed Agarest: Generations of War Zero Collector’s Editions, as seen here. The thinking is that they’ll be auctioned, so keep watching the blog for more info on this huge exclusive offer.
Of course, we haven’t forgotten about our fans on the PSN (or should that be SEN now?) and yesterday marked the release of our promised Persona 2 / Persona 3 Portable bundle for PSP, priced at £39.99 (€49.99), saving you a cool £15.99.
On the subject of Persona 3, the lovely people over at PocketGamer have nominated it and Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky for their PSP Game of the Year Award. Not only that, but they’ve also nominated Trails in the Sky for theirBest Adventure/RPG Game of the Year.
Finally, on to Chart Watch, which is fast becoming a regular feature here on the Ghostlight blog. Persona 2: Innocent Sin has climbed to number 8 on the PSP chart and Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky stayed in the number 9 spot.
That’s all for now, but remember you can stay in touch with us on our Twitter and Facebook pages and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight. You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
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