Ghostlight Blog

Fate/EXTRA Enters Manufacturing

Thu, 5th Apr 2012 | Posted by Ross

Hi everyone.  We’ve got some good and bad news for you this week.  Shall we start with the good news?

Ok then. I’m happy to report that Fate/EXTRA has now entered manufacturing.  Even as we speak, Fate/EXTRA UMDs are being um… well… manufactured :) ready to be whisked around the PAL region. We’re going to be getting a date from the manufacturers very soon and then we’ll be letting you all know when you’ll be able to get your hands on our fabulous Collector’s Edition, and making the game available for pre-order on the Ghostlight Store.  I’ve seen a few online stores with estimated release dates for this one but take them with a pinch of salt until we make the announcement.

Next up, the bad news.  The Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga PSN releases are going to take slightly longer than we originally anticipated.  They’re still with the emulation team in Japan and we’re expecting some more news in the not-too-distant future, but sadly they’re unlikely to make our original estimate.

Finally you might remember last week I mentioned my trip to the Birmingham MCM Expo and - as predicted - I did buy too much anime and manga.  While the unofficial Ghostlight meet up didn’t happen, I did manage to bump into some of you. :)

It was pretty cool to head back to Birmingham, as I used to live there for a couple of years and I always enjoy meeting some of you in person.  In general though I think I prefer the slightly larger London Expo. Speaking of which I tend to be a regular at the London Expo, so if any of you are planning on going to the next one let me know which day you’re going and maybe we can make a slightly better attempt at the unofficial Ghostlight meet up. ;)

That’s all for now. See you next week. Until then, why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our  Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.

Happy Easter everyone! :)

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A Year of Blogging

Thu, 29th Mar 2012 | Posted by Ross

A weird thing happened this week.  I realised it’s been just over a year since I started writing these blogs and looking after our community.  Time flies I guess :).  My first post can be found here if you’re curious, or want to marvel at how young and innocent we all were. :) While it really wasn’t a direction I was expecting to go in, it has been a lot of fun keeping you up to date with the goings on at Ghostlight and chatting with some of you on Twitter.  I’ve even got to meet a few of you in real life at various shows and conventions I’ve attended. While it’s a little cheesy, I’d like to thank you all for being so cool.  Every so often you see some controversy working its way around the gaming forums and at those points I’m always quite grateful for how friendly our community is.  Seriously, Ghostlight fans are awesome :).

On the subject of meeting people at conventions, I’m going to be at the Birmingham MCM Expo this Saturday, where I’m probably going to be buying too much manga and anime, so if anyone sees me there feel free to say hi.  Or, if there’s any interest in an unofficial Ghostlight Community meet up at a nearby pub at some point I’d be open to that.  Just let me know on my Twitter account.

At the moment we appear to be in one of those weeks where, while there’s a lot going on, there’s not much that’s ready for me to tell you about.  I’m still testing Agarest: Generations of War 2 at the moment, which is going fairly well despite a rather annoying bug.  Still, that one should be squashed soon and we still appear to be on track.

I also had yesterday off work for an outing to London with my Japanese class.  We visited the Japanese Foundation for a talk on Japanese food. After 80 mouth-watering minutes we were taken to a rather nice Japanese pub/restaurant, which I wish I could remember the name of, for a meal.  It was near Russell Square if any of you know which one it could have been :).

That’s all for now.  See you next week (well, unless I see you up in Birmingham.) when if all goes well you’ll be able to pre-order Fate/EXTRA.  Until then, why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our  Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.

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Ghostlight Enters The 3rd Dimension!

Thu, 22nd Mar 2012 | Posted by Ross

Hi everyone. I’ve got some exciting news for you all: after recent discussions with Nintendo I can now tell you that we’re officially licensed Nintendo 3DS publishers :).  While at this point you can only speculate over what tasty Japanese gaming treats we’ve got lined up for you, I hope you’re as excited as we are about Ghostlight coming to the current generation of handhelds :).

That’s not to say we’ve forgotten about the other consoles either and we’re still hard at work on Agarest: Generations of War 2, a new build of which showed up earlier this week.  I know I’ve spoken briefly about this before, but I really am impressed with how big a step forward this Agarest game is. While it still retains the same sense of humour as its predecessors, the rest of the game has been given a rather radical overhaul most notably in the graphics department. The combat is far slicker too and faster than in the previous two games and many of the systems are more closely integrated into the main game this time around.

I’m also very impressed with the increased flexibility that Agarest 2 offers. Tying progress to commissions has opened the game up somewhat and it’s nice to have a world map you can wander :). Agarest fans are definitely going to love this new version, and even if you’re new to the series, I’m sure you’re going to love it too :).

And of course, Agarest 2 will be available as yet another classic Ghostlight Collector’s Edition and while the contents are still labelled as ‘top secret’ :) I expect to be announcing details shortly.

Also coming soon will be details of how to pre-order the much anticipated Collector’s Edition of the mighty Fate/EXTRA so that you can ensure you receive all your sweet exclusive goodies.

Finally, in a bit of a departure from Japanese gaming and to celebrate the upcoming Olympics, I can reveal that our hugely popular International Athletics game is soon to be re-launched as a free-to-play game on the iPhone with online leaderboards and a host of other improvements.

That’s all for now.  I’ll be back next week but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our  Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.

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