Ghostlight Blog
Thu, 7th Jun 2012 | Posted by Ross
Hi everyone. Sorry about last week’s missing blogpost. I was so busy hammering Agarest 2 last week that I just didn’t have time to write one I’m afraid. What this does mean is I’ve got lots of juicy pieces of news to share with you all this week.
So where to start? Those of you eagerly awaiting Agarest: Generations of War 2 will be pleased to hear that the deluxe edition caps have now shown up here at Ghostlight. With the messenger bag due in shortly, our glorious Deluxe Edition is taking shape nicely. So go pre-order your copy now to make sure you get your hands on this fantastic package, or you can of course pre-order our almost as fantastic Collector’s Edition.
Talking of Agarest I’ve had quite a few questions about that fabulous framed Agarest: Generations of War Zero collector’s edition we showed off a while ago. I can inform you that these are still coming but we’ve had a few issues arranging delivery. We’re hoping this will be resolved shortly and then we’ll be providing you with details of how you can get your hands on this brilliant Collector’s item.
Of course we’ve also got some news for those of you who prefer to get your games via PSN, as the awesome Fate/EXTRA has been submitted to Sony for PSN release, giving those of you with a PSP Go or a Vita the chance to taste its compelling storyline and unique combat system.
Finally I heard a little whisper that we might be running another sale featuring some of our older games and merchandise over on the Ghostlight Store towards the end of June. You can expect some more news on that very soon, so keep you eyes peeled for some great bargains.
Anyway, that’s all for now. I’m away in Crete next week so I’ll be leaving you to the mercies of one of our other team members here at Ghostlight. Until then you can also follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight. You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
Thu, 24th May 2012 | Posted by Ross
Hi everyone. Welcome back to the Ghostlight Blog. This week we’ve been hard at work on Agarest: Generations of War 2, which has been going well. Once the last few small issues are fixed we’ll be sending it off to SCEE for their approval. So those of you who pre-ordered from us will be happy to know that we’re still well on course for the 6thJuly. As for those of you who haven’t, well take a look at our fantastic deluxe edition here and I’m sure you’ll find something to tempt you.
That’s not all we’ve got to share with you and I know some of you have been hoping for a Shin Megami Tensei flavoured update. While I’ve been concentrating on Agarest 2 recently, work is still continuing on both the Devil Survivor games and so far things are going well. While it’s been a long time since we’ve done anything for the DS and we’ve never done anything for the 3DS before, we’re now back in the swing of things. There’s always a lot to learn when working on a game for a new console, whatever area you’re involved in. From a tester’s perspective there’s lots of new compliance to learn and of course several new functions that might cause the game to break.
As for those of you waiting for the PSN release of the Digital Devil Saga games don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten about you and I promise we’ll let you know as soon as we have a release date for you.
Now that’s enough talking about games. Let’s talk about me! Which is what you’re really here for (please don’t dispel my delusions :)). Recently I did an interview with the lovely people over at where I talked about my games collection and favourite games. If any of you are interested you can check it out over here. English speakers don’t let the Dutch introduction frighten you off as the interview itself is in English. While we’re here I’d also like to apologise for the terrible photography. There’s a reason I don’t take the photos for the blog :).
Finally for one day only I’m being allowed out into the wild so to speak. This Saturday I’m going to be at the Excel Centre in London wandering round the MCM Expo. I know some of you are also going to be there on the same day so if you see me feel free to say hi. I’m also still entertaining the idea of an unofficial Ghostlight meet up so if you’re there and this is something you’d be interested in let me know over on my Twitter feed.
Anyway, that’s all for now. We’ll be back next week. Until then you can also follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight. You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
Thu, 17th May 2012 | Posted by Ross
Hi Everyone. As you probably noticed, last week we announced the Collector’s Editions for Agarest: Generations of War 2 and the Deluxe Edition announcement was particularly awesome, if I do say so myself. It seems that most of you agree, as not only have the pre-orders been doing well, but the Deluxe Edition is actually outselling the Collector’s Edition. :)
Nevertheless, we did have some questions on the size and specifications of the bag and cap and since we now have a sample of the cap and bag in the office (albeit unbranded as of yet) we thought why not take some photos and to let you all get a sense of how they’ll look? So we did:

Looks great don’t you think? Obviously these are missing the final artwork, but hopefully that should give you a clearer idea of what the final product will look like. And if you do like it you can pre-order your copy of this fantastic Agarest 2 Deluxe Edition here. Of course, those of you who have not been won over by this glorious swag can pop over to the Collector’s Edition and pre-order that instead.
There were some other issues that came up after last week’s blog and firstly I would like to clarify that the digital soundtrack is included in the Deluxe Edition and the Collector’s Edition if you order via the Ghostlight webstore.
Finally, for those of you who haven’t kept up with the comments thread on the last blog, we have had to make a small number of minor changes to the game. Firstly, while she remains a playable character, we have had to remove the 1st generation version of Fiona from the minigames (and only the minigames). Don’t worry, affection levels have been taken into account when making this change.
In addition to this we have had to remove 4 static images from the game. Please understand that we are making these changes under advisement from PEGI and the USK, as without their approval we would be unable to publish the game at all. To be totally honest, I feel this topic has been done to death in the comments to the previous blog, so we are unlikely to be discussing this further, but I felt you should know.
Anyway, that’s all for now. We’ll be back next week. Until then you can also follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight. You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
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