Ghostlight Blog
Fri, 6th Jul 2012 | Posted by Ross
Hi everyone. Hope you’re all OK :) This week I’ve got quite a few updates on the news from last week.
The Agarest: Generations of War 2 Deluxe Edition has been a fantastic success and in fact we sold the last copy at the beginning of this week. However, fear not as you can still order the superb Collector’s Edition here.
I’d like to say a big thank you to all our PSP and Vita fans out there that picked up one of our games during Sony’s PSN Vita sale last week. Your support has put Legend Of Heroes: Trails In The Sky up to number 13 in the PSP PSN chart which is pretty good going, but the mighty Persona 3 Portable rocketed up to the number 2 position!
Following on from the PSN sale, you may all be interested to know that the rather splendid Fate/EXTRA will be coming to PSN on the 11th of July - in other words next week. :) Several people have asked me how much it’s going to cost and how much space it will take up on a memory stick. Well, I can confirm that Fate/EXTRA will come as a 1.3GB download and will be priced at just £23.99 / €29.99.
In other news, we’re making excellent progress on Devil Survivor 2 (DS) and Devil Survivor Overclocked (3DS). They really are both excellent games so watch out for more news on these two over the next few weeks. I’ll also be announcing that Ghostlight has secured another Japanese 3DS game for release this year and before you start guessing, no, it’s not a JRPG this time!
Lastly, I know that there are quite a few of you out there waiting anxiously for news on both of our upcoming PS2 Classics Digital Devil Saga and Digital Devil Saga 2. Well, I’m afraid that due to a few technical issues, they’re still both in the pipeline at Sony and as yet we unfortunately don’t have a release date. I’ll keep pushing for details here and if I find anything out I’ll be sure to let you all know.
That’s all for now. I’ll be back next week, but until then you can also follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight. You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
Fri, 29th Jun 2012 | Posted by Ross
Hi everyone. Hope you’ve all been having a good week. We’ve got lots of news for you this week, including news of some massive savings on our PSN titles, but first up I’ve got some bad news for you all.
I’m sorry to have to report that, due to some issues that we’ve faced in getting the game age rated, the release of Agarest: Generations of War 2 will be delayed. I can report that everything has been resolved and the game is approved, but unfortunately the knock on effect has meant that we’ve missed our intended manufacturing date. The official street release date is now the 10th August and we’ll of course be doing everything we can to ensure that all pre-orders are shipped as early as possible.
Whilst we’ll be contacting everyone who has pre-ordered Agarest: Generations of War 2 from us personally, I would like to take this opportunity to apologise on behalf of the team for this delay. We at Ghostlight and the Japanese developers have made every effort to release Agarest: Generations of War 2 on schedule but sometimes we run into unexpected issues that take time to resolve. We realise that this news is very disappointing for everyone who has been looking forward to the game and we’d like to thank you for your patience and continued support.
In more positive news regarding Agarest 2, we have the Deluxe Edition bags and caps in stock and I’ve been tasked with taking some photos for next week’s blog, so watch out for those. In fact the Deluxe Editions are very nearly sold out, so if you want to get your hands on this fantastic set then you can place your order here.
Moving away from Agarest now, I have some good news for all you PSP and Vita fans out there as the mighty Fate/EXTRA will be winging its way to the PSN store on 11th July, so keep your eyes on the PSN store for that one.
Also, anyone visiting the PSN store recently may have noticed that all our PSP titles are currently available at bargain prices as part of the PSN Vita sale. For those of you who haven’t yet taken a glance on the PSN Store, here’s a quick rundown of what we’re offering:
Three of the greatest PSP JRPGs available on PSN, Persona 3 Portable, Persona 2: Innocent Sin and Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky have all had their prices slashed from £23.99 (€29.99) down to a very tempting £13.99 (€17.99). We’ve also cut the price of the Persona 3 / Persona 2 bundle and the Persona 2 / Trails in the Sky bundle from £39.99 (€49.99) down to just £23.99 (€29.99)!
We’re also offering a great saving on two of our classic SRPGs, as Generation of Chaos: Aedis Eclipse and Spectral Souls: Resurrection of Ethereal Empires have had their prices slashed from £11.99 (€14.99) down to and incredible £5.49 (€6.99)!
Finally, if you were curious about some of our earlier forays outside the RPG genre, now is the perfect time to check these games out, as International Athletics, Spinout and World of Pool have all had their prices cut from £5.49 (€ 6.99) down to just £3.19 (€ 3.99).
All of these games are playable on both Vita and PSP, but make sure you hurry over to the store as the sale ends on the 4th July.
Anyway, that’s all for now. I’ll be back next week, but until then you can also follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight. You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
Thu, 21st Jun 2012 | Posted by Ross
Hi everyone. I’m back! :) Quite a lot happened while I was away so I’ve got lots of news to share with you all.
The biggest news of the week was the release of an updated version of our only iPhone game, International Athletics. Not only does International Athletics 2012 feature 11 amazing events across a range of international stadiums, but we’ve now added leaderboard support and the best part is that you can try it for absolutely nothing, as this new version is free to play with an in app purchase allowing you to unlock all the events, stadiums and tournaments for just £0.69/$0.99.
The original PSP & DS versions of International Athletics were some of the first games I worked on here at Ghostlight and I still have very fond memories of attending an Athletics Grand Prix at Crystal Palace to show off the game.
I know it’s quite different from the type of games we usually talk about here on the Ghostlight Blog, but why not head over here and give it a try?
Onto more traditional Ghostlight blog subjects and as some of you may remember before I left, I mentioned that the PSN version of Fate/EXTRA was going through submission. Well I’ve just been told that the metadata for Fate/EXTRA has been approved which means we are now one step closer to being able to give you a PSN release date for this game :).
Talking about the PSN store, SMT Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 are still making their way through the submissions process. While it’s frustrating and taking way longer than we thought, we’re hoping these two excellent games will soon be making their well deserved debut in the PS2 Classics section of PSN very soon.
In other news I’ve heard that our sister company, Midas, will be releasing the awesome Atlus title Maken Shao: Demon Sword as part of the PS2 Classics programme in the near future.
Anyway, that’s all for now. Thank you to Al (@ev4nac) for looking after the comments section of the blog while I was away. I’ll be back next week but until then you can also follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight. You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
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