Ghostlight Blog

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked posters arrive at Ghostlight

Thu, 21st Mar 2013 | Posted by Ross

Hi everyone.  Thank you for all your comments about the situation with Devil Survivor 2. We’ve taken them all onboard and are really grateful for the feedback. It’s something we truly value as without your support we simply wouldn’t be able to do what we do. Stay tuned for more information about this Devil Survivor 2 in the coming weeks.

In other news I can now reveal that we will be releasing the soundtracks to Agarest:  Generations of War Zero and Agarest: Generations of War 2 next Wednesday, the 27th March, on the PSN Store.  The enchanting Agarest: Generations of War Zero soundtrack contains 34 tracks and over 67 minutes of music while the superb Agarest: Generations of War 2 soundtrack contains 23 tracks lasting a total of 68 minutes.

Finally I’ve been told that we’re running out of Shin Megami Tensei:  Devil Survivor Overclocked stock. In fact, some online retailers have already run out of stock. As such, I would recommend that anyone who wants to get their hands on this fantastic game should pre-order it from their retailer of choice, or, if you want to get 2 fabulous A1 rolled posters with it, then you can pre-order the game from the Ghostlight Store here

If you don’t manage to make your pre-order in time then don’t worry.  Should you try to place your pre-order after the last copy is sold you will receive an on screen notification before making your order letting you know that we have sold out of the first print run and that your order will be dispatched when the second print run arrives here in April.

Speaking of posters, you’ll never guess what showed up in the office today... You did?  I guess the title must have given it away. :( That’s, right both Devil Survivor posters have arrived today.  And we’ve got pictures for you.

Check this out. :)

Remember, if you want to get your hands on these beauties you have to order the game from here.

That’s all for now. Remember to pre-order Devil Survivor Overclocked here and I’ll be back next week with more news from Ghostlight. Until then you can follow Ghostlight on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our  Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight.  You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.

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An update on Devil Survivor 2

Thu, 14th Mar 2013 | Posted by Ross

Hi everyone.  Pre-orders for the amazing Shin Megami Tensei:  Devil Survivor Overclocked have been open for a week now and have been selling so well that our first consignment of stock is nearly gone already.  So a big thank you to everyone who has pre-ordered this game either through our store or another retailer.  If you haven’t pre-ordered Devil Survivor Overclocked from us yet remember that you can get two amazing A1 posters with the game when you order here.

In last week’s blog we also promised an update on Devil Survivor 2.  Currently the European version of the game is finished and has been approved for release by Nintendo.  However, without going into too much detail, retail support for DS titles is understandably low at the moment making it difficult for us to release the title.  We haven’t given up though and we’re currently looking into several different ways of making this fantastic game available to you all.  One way that I’ve heard being discussed on the Ghostlight grapevine is that we may release a Collector’s Edition of the game exclusively through our website which will mean we’d need your full support in making this release happen.  I’ve probably said too much already, but you can expect more news on this in the coming weeks.

Moving away from the handhelds and back to PSN for a moment, I’m happy to say that our sister company Midas have at last released Atlus’ superb action game Maken Shao: Demon Sword on PSN priced at just £3.99/€4.99!  If you want to get your hands on this fantastic game then you can pick it up on the PSN Store here.

Still on the subject of PSN, those of you who have yet to pick up Agarest: Generations of War Zero and Agarest: Generations of War 2 for PS3 will be pleased to hear that both of their prices have been slashed until the 27th March as part of the PSN Store’s Expedition Sale.  Agarest: Generations of War Zero has had its price reduced from €24.99/£19.99 to just €8.99/£7.29 and Agarest: Generations of War 2 has had its priced reduced from €34.99/£18.99/AU$51.95 to an amazing €9.99/£7.99/AU$14.45.  If you haven’t already got these fantastic games you can pick up Agarest Zero from here and Agarest 2 from here.   More information on Agarest: Generations of War Zero can be found here and please go here for more information on Agarest 2.

That’s all for now.  Remember to pre-order Devil Survivor Overclocked here and I’ll be back next week with more news from Ghostlight. Until then you can follow Ghostlight on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our  Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight.  You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.

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Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked moved forward – pre-order now

Thu, 7th Mar 2013 | Posted by Ross

Hi everyone. We’ve just been speaking to the manufacturers and I can now inform you that instead of being released on the 5th April, the amazing Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked will now be released on the 29th March!  That means you can grab a copy of the game before the long Easter weekend :)

We’ve also had a bit of a re-think about the free double-sided poster that we’re including with all pre-orders through the Ghostlight store.  We felt bad about making you choose which piece of artwork to display on your wall, so instead of offering you a double-sided poster we’ll be providing two single-sided posters, allowing you to display both these awesome pieces of artwork simultaneously! *minds blown* Here’s another pic of how both posters will look:

Plus, don’t forget that we’re also going to remove the price of UK postage from your order.* 

So, be sure to pre-order Devil Survivor Overclocked from here soon, as the game is released by the end of this month.

Unfortunately, due to distribution deals we have signed we will be unable to ship this title from the Ghostlight Store to the following countries:

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • France
  • Germany
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • Switzerland

That means that Shin Megami Tensei fans from these countries will have to contact their local retailer/favourite online store in order to get their hands on this brilliant game.

Those of you who want more information on Devil Survivor Overclocked will be pleased to know that the official website has just gone live and can be found here.

In other news - particularly with the recent announcement from Atlus - many of you have been asking for the latest news on Devil Survivor 2.  Unfortunately, the market for DS games is quite difficult at the moment but I have been promised an update on this game for you all in the coming weeks.

Lastly Agarest: Generations Of War 2 is featuring in The Nation’s Favourite Games promotion across the UK and France on PSN running from March 6th until March 27th.  The price of the game has temporarily been dropped from €34.99 (£28.49) down to €22.99 (£18.99).  Fans outside of the UK and France shouldn’t despair as we will no doubt have more promotions in the future that should keep everyone happy.

That’s all for now.  Remember to pre-order Devil Survivor Overclocked here and I’ll be back next week with more news from Ghostlight. Until then you can follow Ghostlight on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our  Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight.  You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.


*When ordering  Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked your basket will still show postage costs, but the cost of shipping the game to the UK (£2.36) will be deducted from your order.  This offer is in addition to the removal of all postage costs for the two free posters.  Happy Days! :)

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