Ghostlight Blog

DSO - Latest information from Ghostlight

Tue, 2nd Apr 2013 | Posted by Daren

Hi everyone, thank you for your patience. As you can imagine we have had a busy couple of days here at the Ghostlight offices.

To give you an update of where we are... We have been in contact with Atlus who are already looking into fixing the possible causes of problems when summoning a demon in to a battle along with the intermittent crash found in the Auction House.  Nintendo have also been contacted and will be able to help us both quickly and efficiently through the process of looking at a patch solution.

Sorry that we don’t have any more news for you at this time but we are working as fast as we can towards a fix. We appreciate your words of support and continued patience through our first release on 3DS.

Kind regards,


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Important message about Devil Survivor Overclocked on 3DS

Sun, 31st Mar 2013 | Posted by Daren

It is with much regret that we have to make this announcement.  Many of you may already be aware that our most recent release of  Devil Survivor Overclocked on 3DS unfortunately has some issues. The game will hang/freeze if you summon a demon during battle or if an auction house seller lies about the stats.  These problems mean that currently you will experience difficulties that may prevent you from completing the game.

Currently we are doing everything we can to fix these problems as quickly as possible so that you will be able to enjoy DSO in full.

We deeply value the continued commitment from our devoted Ghoslight fans and all the EU JRPG fans as without you all we wouldn’t be here. We hope that you will allow us to take the time needed to fix the problems and give you the gaming experience that you have waited for so patiently.

Once we have more information we will let you know.

Kind regards,


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Ghostlight games go on sale on PSN

Thu, 28th Mar 2013 | Posted by Ross

Hi everyone.  Devil Survivor: Overclocked launches tomorrow and I’m pleased to say that we managed to ship copies to everyone who ordered from us earlier this week. In fact, judging from some of the comments we’ve seen on our blog and on Twitter, some of you will have already received your copy of this fantastic game.

Before I move on I’d just like to clear up a couple of questions that have been asked.  Firstly, some of you have been wondering why our two lovely A1 posters did not arrive with the game.  This is because the posters have been sent out separately in cardboard tubes and should be arriving soon.

Secondly, while we are currently out of stock for Devil Survivor Overclocked we will be receiving a limited amount of additional stock in April.  If you would like us to ship you a copy of the game along with the two A1 posters as soon as the stock arrives, then you can order your copy here.

Onto other news and I’m pleased to be able to tell you that several of our classic PSP games have had their prices slashed with over 50% off as part of Sony’s mighty PSN Easter Sale.  If you want to get your hands on one of these absolute bargains you’ll have to hurry as the sale only lasts until the 10th April.

Persona 2 / Persona 3 Bundle

€49.99/£39.99 down to just €24.99/£19.99!

Persona 2/ Trails In The Sky Bundle   

€49.99/£39.99 down to just €24.99/£19.99!

Persona 2

€29.99/£23.99 down to just €14.99/£11.99!

Persona 3 Portable

€29.99/£23.99 down to just €14.99/£11.99!

Legend of Heroes: Trails In The Sky

€29.99/£23.99 down to just €14.99/£11.99!


€29.99/£23.99 down to just €14.99/£9.99!

World Of Pool

€6.99/£5.49 down to just €2.99/£2.39!

International Athletics

€6.99/£5.49 down to just €2.99/£2.39!


€6.99/£5.49 down to just €2.99/£2.39!


…And if you’re a PS+ subscriber then these savings are even better as you’ll get an extra 10% discount!

Finally I’d just like to remind you that the superb soundtracks to Agarest:  Generations of War Zero and Agarest: Generations of War 2 are now available to buy on the PSN store for just £3.99.  The Agarest: Generations of War Zero soundtrack contains 34 tracks and over 67 minutes of music while the Agarest: Generations of War 2 soundtrack contains 23 tracks lasting a total of 68 minutes.  So, make sure you pick up these excellent soundtracks on PSN.

That’s all for now.  I’ll be back next week with more news from Ghostlight. Until then you can follow Ghostlight on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our  Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight.  You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.

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