Ghostlight Blog

Agarest PC to get closed Beta. Elminage Original Collector’s Edition content: opinions wanted!

Thu, 6th Jun 2013 | Posted by Ross

Hi everyone.  We’ve got lots of news for you all this week, but before we get tucked in to all the news, first a little reminder that the Devil Survivor Overclocked patch is out now on the Nintendo eShop.  If you’ve been waiting for the patch before buying the game, now is the perfect time to pick it up. :)  We’ve still got some stock left of the poster edition too, so if you want to get your hands on that lovely rolled A1 artwork you can order the poster edition here.

Moving on from my little sales spiel :) it recently occurred to me that we’ve been so busy on the blog lately that I haven’t had the chance to update you on how the PC port of Agarest: Generations of War is coming along.  So, what have the conversion team at Laughing Jackal been up to since we last caught up with them?

Well, in addition to a huge amount of bug squashing and movie conversions, I’m happy to report that all Xbox control icons are now replaced with mouse/keyboard ones (if that’s what you choose to play the game with.)  You can also remap the mouse/keyboard controls, giving you a lot more flexibility when playing.  One other nice little touch is that some of the caves which were very dark in the console version have been made a little brighter, so you should finally be able to see where you’re going. :)

There’s still plenty of work left for us all to do (with lots of decisions still to be made about pre-order bonuses and digital Collector’s Editions) but we’re definitely making good progress and I’ll be sure to keep you updated here on the Ghostlight blog.

Hang on a second! I’m sure there was something else I was going to mention… (checks title)… oh, yes the Beta! :)  In the near future we’re going to be offering a closed beta of Agarest on PC to a limited number of willing Steam participants.  If you’d be interested in participating, then please keep your eyes peeled, as we will be providing details on how you can get involved on the blog soon.

Moving back to handhelds, we’re busy looking at our options for the boxed Collector’s Edition of Elminage Original and we wanted to know what you thought.  We were thinking of including items like a soundtrack CD, PSN voucher for the game, T-shirt, a Monster Bestiary or Artbook, or some combination of these items.  Which would you be most interested in?  Or, is there something else along these lines that you’d like to see?

Understandably, we’ve been receiving plenty of questions about the PAL release of Devil Survivor 2 on DS.  We’re currently discussing options with our partners to give you all a chance to get your hands on this fantastic sequel to Devil Survivor.  We’re also looking very seriously at releasing a Ghostlight web exclusive.  I still can’t say more than that at the moment so please stay tuned for more information as we’ll be updating you soon.

Also, just to let you know that I’ve been told there’s going to be a Standard Edition available for Fate/EXTRA (PSP) very soon.  I’m also happy to report that we’ve lifted the territory restrictions on the title, so we can now ship the Standard and Collector’s Editions (together with exclusive items) throughout the PAL region if you order from the Ghostlight Store, here.

Lastly, still on the subject of handhelds, I’m pleased to say that the trailer for our recent release of the mighty Crash City Mayhem is now available to view on the 3DS eShop.

That’s all for now. I’ll be back next week with more news from Ghostlight. Until then you can follow Ghostlight on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our YouTube Channel and our  Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight.  You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.

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The Devil Survivor Overclocked patch is ready!

Tue, 28th May 2013 | Posted by Ross

Hi everyone.  I’m very pleased and more than a little relieved to be able to tell you that the patch for Devil Survivor Overclocked is now available from the eShop!

To download the patch, please enter the eShop on your 3DS and then search for Devil Survivor Overclocked.    After selecting the Devil Survivor Overclocked ‘patch’ please follow the onscreen instructions.

Once the update has been downloaded it will be installed automatically.  If the update has been successful you will see the text “ver 1.1” displayed on the title screen after launching the game.

Applying the update will address the following issues:

- The game will no longer freeze when summoning a demon during battle

- The infrequent hang encountered during Auction House ‘Accidents’ has been removed

- Text display errors have been corrected

We recommend downloading this update to make for an improved gaming experience.  On behalf of the whole team here, we’d like to thank you all for your continued patience whilst we’ve been working hard to resolve the problems.  You’ve all been excellent!

And speaking of Devil Survivor Overclocked (in a happy coincidence) I can report that the title is now back in stock.  Those of you who have been waiting for the patch before purchasing this awesome game can purchase both the Poster Edition and the Standard Edition through the Ghostlight Store.  (Please note that all copies will require you to download the patch separately.)

That’s all for now. I’ll be back next week with more news from Ghostlight. Until then you can follow Ghostlight on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our YouTube Channel and our  Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight.  You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.

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Elminage Original comes to Europe

Wed, 22nd May 2013 | Posted by Ross

Hi everyone.   After yesterday’s warm up announcement from Microsoft, it’s time for the main event. :)  As promised last week I’m delighted to announce that our latest PSP game is the fantastic first-person dungeon crawler, Elminage Original developed by Starfish-SD of Japan.  I’m also pleased to say that our version will include the improvements to the translation made in the recent patch.

We’ve been testing Elminage Original in the office for quite some time now and personally speaking it’s quite reminiscent of old school Dungeons & Dragons or the classic Wizardry series, both in terms of atmosphere and mechanics.  Certainly anyone who, like me, fondly remembers THAC0, will really enjoy this one.  Although a word of warning: it is rock hard at points, just as a good RPG should be :)

More on Elminage Original

Set out on a grand adventure in the land of Halodra Ille! The fate of this world hangs in the balance as the magical barrier protecting it has been severely weakened by the powers of darkness.

In ages past the gods granted power to six rings to create the barrier. The rings were placed in a tower known as Dragon's Fang, safe from the enemies of peace.

But nothing is forever, and now dark priestesses plan to destroy the barrier so they can summon their Demon King and plunge the realm into darkness. The priestesses have already destroyed one of the rings, weakening the barrier greatly, but in doing so the five remaining rings were scattered to the ends of the realm.

With the barrier weakened, monsters of ever greater power and ferocity have begun to appear throughout the land. You must join the search for the five remaining rings, taking your place among the other adventurers of Halodra Ille, and restore balance to the world!

Elminage Original features:

  • Classic First Person Dungeon Crawling
  • Hugely rewarding turn-based combat with a wealth of enemies to encounter
  • Tackle dozens of quests in any order you choose
  • Massive variety of dungeons to explore
  • Create Your Party: Many races, jobs and skills to master

So, is there going to be a boxed Collector’s Edition, I hear you ask?  Well, it’s not been decided yet but rumour has it that there might be a special promotional version in the works.  If it goes ahead, stock of the Special Edition will be very limited indeed and the game will not be released in a standard version, so it’ll certainly be one for all you fanatical collectors out there.  The game will be available this summer and I should be able to confirm a release date for the PSN version and details of the Special Edition in the next couple of weeks. :)

That’s all for now. I’ll be back next week with more news from Ghostlight. Until then you can follow Ghostlight on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our YouTube Channel and our  Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight.  You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.

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