Ghostlight Blog

Agarest Beta Applications close

Thu, 4th Jul 2013 | Posted by Ross

Hi everyone.   The deadline for applications to the Agarest: Generations of War PC closed beta has passed. By now, everyone who has applied should have received an email informing them of whether or not they were selected.

I’m pleased to say that we had an amazing response, with far more applicants than we were expecting.  Not only that but many of the applications were of a very high standard, so a big thank you to everyone who offered their help in making the Agarest port better.

If you were selected for the closed beta we will be emailing you over the next few days with your Steam beta code and further instructions.

The port itself has been going really well and Laughing Jackal have now largely moved on to bug fixing, a process that we’re all expecting to get somewhat more intense when the beta starts.

In less positive news, I’ve just been informed that, regrettably, we are unable to bring the two Digital Devil Saga game to PSN. The conflicts with the PS2 emulator were, unfortunately, never resolved and the games have now failed submission. While both games are still available physically from the Ghostlight Store I’m very sorry to have to disappoint everyone who was waiting for a digital release. Believe me, all of us at Ghostlight are just as sad about this as you guys.

That’s all for now.  I’ll be back next week with more news from Ghostlight. Until then you can follow Ghostlight on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our YouTube Channel and our  Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight.  You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.

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Applications for the Agarest beta now open

Thu, 27th Jun 2013 | Posted by Ross

Hi everyone. Laughing Jackal have been hard at work for the past week on the PC version of Agarest: Generations of War and as promised we are now able to open applications for the closed beta.

[Edit] Thank you to everyone who applied for a spot on the Agarest beta.  Applications for the Agarest Beta are now closed for the time being.  We'll be getting back to everyone who applied later this week. [/Edit]

The minimum pc requirements to run Agarest: Generations of War are:

  • Windows XP or later
  • 2 Ghz Processor
  • 2 Gb RAM
  • DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
  • Graphics card: needs to support v3 shaders

To whet your appetites, I thought some of you might be interested in seeing some screenshots of Agarest: Generations of War running on my PC. The screens may not yet be final but I thought they might give an interesting insider’s look at where we are now.

Finally I’d just like to remind you that the Ghostlight PSP titles are still on sale this week on PSN. More details of the sale, which ends on the 3rd of July, can be found in last week’s post. With amazing JRPGs such as Persona 3 Portable, Fate/EXTRA and Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky available for half price or less now is the perfect time to pick up these amazing games.

That’s all for now. I’ll be back next week with more news from Ghostlight. Until then you can follow Ghostlight on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our YouTube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight. You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.

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A PSN sale and a Trails in the Sky Standard Edition

Thu, 20th Jun 2013 | Posted by Ross

Hi everyone.  Did you all enjoy E3?  I was in Sicily last week so I missed most of it but I think I’ve just about managed to catch up on everything that happened over in LA.  One thing’s for sure, it looks like it’s going to be a very exciting time for our industry as we approach the release of Sony’s and Microsoft’s new consoles.

Anyway moving back to Ghostlight, we’ve got good news for you especially if you’re considering getting your hands on some Ghostlight games.  As part of the latest PSP sale over on PSN, there are some fantastic savings on some of our best PSP games including both of our Persona titles, Trails in the Sky and Fate/EXTRA.

The full list of Ghostlight titles available as part of this sale is as follows:

€29.99/£23.99 down to €12.99/£9.99
(57% Discount)

World Of Pool
€6.99/£5.49 down to €2.99/£2.39
(57% Discount)

International Athletics
€6.99/£5.49 down to €2.99/£2.39
(57% Discount)

€6.99/£5.49 down to €2.99/£2.39
(57% Discount)

Persona 3 Portable
€29.99/£23.99 down to €14.99/£11.99
(50% Discount)

Persona 2 Innocent Sin
€29.99/£23.99 down to €14.99/£11.99
(50% Discount)

Legend Of Heroes: Trails In The Sky
€29.99/£23.99 down to €14.99/£11.99
(50% Discount)

Aedis Eclipse: Generation Of Chaos
€14.99/£11.99 down to €7.49/£5.99
(50% Discount)

Spectral Souls II: ROTEE
€14.99/£11.99 down to €7.49/£5.99
(48% Discount)

The sale runs until the 3rd of July so if you haven’t picked up any of these great Ghostlight PSP games yet, then now is the perfect time to bag a bargain for the summer holidays!

Also in related news I can report that The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky is back in stock in the form of a standard edition, available here and priced (for a limited time) at just £19.99.

In other news, there was a lot of interest in our recent announcement two weeks ago about the closed Beta test for the PC version of Agarest: Generations of War.  If you would be interested in helping us in the Beta test phase, please watch out for next week’s blog where we will be detailing how to get involved.

Speaking of Agarest, while I was away the team at Laughing Jackal have managed to make some amazing progress and have squashed loads of bugs, and that’s despite being busy preparing for yesterday’s launch of their new Vita title OMG HD Zombies!  So apart from some graphic changes in the menus (oh, and one possible additional feature that isn’t in the console versions) we’re pretty much ready for Beta testing!

That’s all for now. I’ll be back next week with more news from Ghostlight. Until then you can follow Ghostlight on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our YouTube Channel and our  Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight.  You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.

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