Ghostlight Blog
Fri, 26th Jul 2013 | Posted by Ross
Hi everyone. I’m starting this week’s blog with an apology. As some of you have already noticed, we’re sorry to say that pre-orders for Devil Survivor 2 haven’t gone live this week as previously planned. Don’t despair though, as we’re just waiting on final approval of the content that we hope to include with the European edition. We could open pre-orders now, but we don’t think that would be fair without being able to tell you conclusively what you will be receiving.
What I can tell you though is that we’re making this fantastic SRPG available as one of two deals:
Option 1: Standalone Release
- Devil Survivor 2 (DS)
- This factory sealed edition will be available to all PAL territories and anyone pre-ordering from us will have the option to include their name in the DS2 manual.
- Pre-Order price £24.99/€29.99
Option 2: Devil Survivor Bundle
- Devil Survivor 2 (DS) & Devil Survivor Overclocked (3DS) with £10.00 discount!
- Both games will be factory sealed and as with Option 1, anyone pre-ordering the bundle will have the option to include their name in the DS2 manual. Regrettably, we will not be able to ship this bundle to Germany due to an existing distribution agreement.
- Pre-Order price £49.98/€59.98 (usual price £59.98/€69.98)
(All prices exclude P&P.)
We know that asking for pre-orders with no guarantee of release is expecting a huge amount of trust from you. So in an effort to be as open with you as we can, we are going to share a few figures with you. To break even on Devil Survivor 2’s manufacturing costs, we will need to reach a total of 1800 pre-orders between the two options offered and pre-orders will be open for one month only. If we don’t meet (or come close) to this quota during that time, then everyone who ordered Devil Survivor 2 on its own will receive a full refund while those who ordered the bundle will receive a refund of £24.99 - meaning that you will still receive Devil Survivor Overclocked with the huge £10.00 discount.
We’re expecting manufacture to take five weeks so assuming we reach our target and we enter manufacturing when pre-orders close, the game should be released at the end of September. If we reach our target sooner than the pre-order deadline, then we will naturally move into manufacturing before the close of pre-orders, meaning that you would get your game a little sooner.
In any event, I will keep you all updated on a regular basis to let you know how things are going.
About SMT: Devil Survivor 2
The choice is yours.
What would you do if you could see others’ deaths before they come to pass? A mysterious website – Nicaea – will show you just that. What you do with the information will determine the fate of millions as calamity strikes Japan...
The sequel to one of 2009’s best RPGs, SMT: Devil Survivor 2 continues a long tradition of excellence for the acclaimed Shin Megami Tensei universe of games.
- An all new story and cast.
- Recruit Your Party, Build Bonds. Develop your relationship with party members for better performance in battle.
- Collect, Customize, Barter and Fuse Every Last Demon! Twice as many demons to find and unlock as in the original game.
In other equally important news, Elminage Original LIMITED EDITION is coming along nicely and we are expecting to be able to give a release date and open pre-orders in the next couple of weeks.
I know quite a few of you are looking forward to this very special and extremely limited edition so to whet your appetites I thought I’d show you this image detailing the goodies we’re going to include.

Remember that only 300 of these beauties will be made so be sure to keep an eye on the blog as we’ll be announcing when pre-orders go live on here.
That’s all for now, but before I go I just wanted to offer our continued thanks to all our Agarest PC Beta testers out there – you’re all doing a fantastic job! I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
Thu, 18th Jul 2013 | Posted by Ross
Hi everyone!
I’m sure you remember that last week we asked for your support in helping us to release the fantastic Devil Survivor 2 on DS, and first off I just wanted to thank you all for your feedback. We’ve taken your comments on board and I can reveal that pre-orders are going live from next week when I will also be revealing the magic number needed for the release to go ahead. The game will be priced at just £24.99 / €29.99 and don’t forget that if we reach our target, your name will be included in the manual. Plus, to encourage Devil-Survivor-newcomers to get involved in the campaign, we’re looking into offering a special pre-order pack containing Devil Survivor 2 together with a heavily discounted copy of Devil Survivor: Overclocked.
Oh, and speaking of Devil Survivor Overclocked, I can tell you that wheels are turning and it looks very much like the game will be coming to the eShop in the near future. I’ll have more details on that in the next couple of weeks.
Moving on to Elminage Original now. We’ve finalised all the items to be included in the very Limited Edition and we expect to put the title into manufacture in the next week or two. I’ll make sure to give you all plenty of notice before pre-orders go live on this very exclusive edition :)
And lastly, an update on Agarest: Generations of War for PC, and I’m pleased to let you all know that we will be adding more people to the Agarest PC beta. If you already applied for the Beta first time around, there’s no need to re-apply as we have kept your details on file and will consider them again, unless you asked us to delete your details of course.
[Edit] Thank you to everyone who applied for a spot on the Agarest beta. Applications for the Agarest Beta are now closed for the time being. We'll be getting back to everyone who applied later this week. [/edit]
The minimum PC requirements to run Agarest: Generations of War are:
Windows XP or later
2 Ghz Processor
2 Gb RAM
DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Graphics card: needs to support v3 shaders
Of course while we’re busy with all this we haven’t forgotten about the Vita owners out there. We’ve actually been evaluating a shiny new Vita title this past week with a view to localising it for Europe. While I can’t say much about it, the game is rather good, so fingers crossed we manage to pick it up.
That’s all for now. I’ll be back next week with more news from Ghostlight. Until then you can follow Ghostlight on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our YouTube Channel and our Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight. You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
Fri, 12th Jul 2013 | Posted by Ross
Hi everyone. It’s been a busy week here at Ghostlight so I’ve got lots to share with you all. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin.
Firstly, the Agarest: Generations of War PC closed beta has gone live this week. We’re already getting lots of excellent feedback on the latest build and Laughing Jackal are hard at work looking into some of the issues that have been raised. If you’ve been selected for the beta and have not yet received your instructions by email please let me know and do remember to sign up for the beta forum linked to in the email.
That’s not all we’ve been working on though, as we have also been hard at work on preparing the Elminage Original Limited Edition for PSP. The contents aren’t completely finalised yet, but we’re currently planning on including the following items…
- A factory sealed PSP box featuring original Japanese art inlay bearing the name: ‘Elminage Original – Limited Edition’ containing:
- UMD with colour label
- Black and white manual
- 5 collector’s colour art cards
- There will also be a bonus item in the shape of a truly stunning 92-page softback colour Art Book, featuring all monster artwork with their corresponding stats from the game
- Not only that but you will receive an official Ghostlight Certificate of Authenticity, featuring your unique production number out of 300
- “Is that all” you ask? Well no. There’s one more special gem that we’re throwing in. You will also receive a promotional download code for the PSN version of Elminage Original (PSN version) which you can share with a friend!
The physical print run will be limited to just 300 copies which will be made available exclusively through the Ghostlight Webstore to all countries in the PAL region. The game will be simultaneously released on PSN but there will be no further print runs of the Limited Edition and we have no plans for a standard edition. We’re currently expecting to release Elminage Original in mid August and the price is yet to be confirmed. Watch this space because pre-orders will be going live soon – I wonder who will get number 1 of 300?
On to other news now. All you Devil Survivor fans out there will be pleased to hear that we have managed to finalise discussions with our partners regarding Devil Survivor 2 on DS and have decided to go ahead with the following plan. Devil Survivor 2 will be released exclusively for pre-order through the Ghostlight Webstore with a (TBC) minimum quantity. Should we achieve this minimum quantity of pre-orders within one month, we will manufacture and release the game. However, if we don’t reach the minimum then everyone who pre-ordered the game will be refunded and the game will unfortunately not be released. We realise that we’re asking for a huge amount of trust and support from our fans on this one, but we know that you are a very special lot and you all seem to fully appreciate what we’re trying to achieve in bringing over JRPGs like DS2. We simply couldn’t do what we’re doing without you and with your continued support for the Ghostlight cause we’re hoping we can give DS2 its best shot at getting a European release. As a little incentive, if you do pre-order the game, as a special thank you we’ll add your name to the manual :)
If you have any feedback or questions on this, we’d be very interested to know your thoughts so please let us know in the comments below. Is this something you would be interested in supporting if the pricing was right?
I know some of you have said you’d rather wait for a potential release of the new 3DS remake, which is fair enough, but for anyone who’s sitting on the fence I must say that I’ve really enjoyed Devil Survivor 2 and think that it would be the perfect game for any of you looking for your SRPG fix after finishing Fire Emblem and Devil Survivor Overclocked.
Keep an eye on the blog next week because we’ll be giving more details about how you can help us release Devil Survivor 2 and get your hands on this fantastic DS game at the same time.
Phew, told you it was going to be a long one! I’ll be back next week with more news from Ghostlight so until then you can follow Ghostlight on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our YouTube Channel and our Google + account where we’ll be posting all the latest news. You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.
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