Ghostlight Blog

Agarest: Generations of War coming to Steam on 3rd October

Tue, 17th Sep 2013 | Posted by Daren

Hi everyone. After many months of hard work we’re finally ready to release Agarest: Generations of War on PC. One of the first JRPGs to be ported to PC for the west will hit the Steam store on the 3rd October, priced at just $19.99/£14.99/€17.99. Anyone pre-ordering the game will benefit from a generous 20% discount and a selection of free DLC items, making a total saving of well over $10.00, so well worth getting in early :)  You can pre-order Agarest: Generations of War here.

Agarest: Generations of War is the first part of Idea Factory and Compile Heart’s classic console JRPG series. AGoW made it through Steam’s Greenlight process in just two weeks: an indicator of the huge demand for JRPGs on the platform, which is something we’re thrilled to be able to provide.

A massive thank you once again to all of you who supported us during that campaign, either by voting for us or helping to spread the word.  It feels like I’ve been saying this a lot lately, but we really couldn’t have done it without all of your support :)

I’d also like to say thank you to the team over at Laughing Jackal who have done so much more than a straight forward port, and to the army of Beta testers who put the game through its rigours and found some interesting issues.

For the PC version of Agarest: Generations Of War, the clever chaps at Laughing Jackal have added full mouse and keyboard support, maintained full gamepad support, added Steam achievements, taken advantage of the higher resolutions that PCs can offer and made a number of other user interface changes to ensure that PC gamers receive the best gaming experience possible.  In my opinion this will be without a doubt the best version of Agarest available.

Pre-orders on Steam will go live on Monday the 16th September (that’s tonight! :) ) Not only will anyone who pre-orders the game receive the mighty 20% discount, but they will also receive the following DLC items absolutely free and available for use in-game at launch:

  • Upgrade Pack 1 (usual price $0.99 / €0.79 / £0.69)
  • Upgrade Pack 2 (usual price $0.99 / €0.79 / £0.69)
  • Dull-Things Pack (usual price $1.49 / €1.19 / £0.99)
  • Fallen-Angel Pack (usual price $1.49 / €1.19 / £0.99)
  • Magic-Fighter Pack (usual price $0.99 / €0.79 / £0.69)
  • Legendary-Monster Pack (usual price $1.99 / €1.59 / £1.29)
  • Basic Adventure Pack (usual price $1.49 / €1.19 / £0.99)

There will be a huge selection of DLC made available over the weeks following release of the title, but initially when the game goes live on October 3rd, there will be a first selection of DLC items which will be:

  • Basic Pack (Free)
  • Upgrade Pack 1 ($0.99)
  • Offense-Defense Pack (Free)
  • Additional-Points Pack 1 (Free)
  • Add-on Dungeon 1 (Free)
  • Add-on Dungeon 2 (Free)

Thanks again for all your support and roll on October 3rd!

More on Agarest: Generations of War

At the dawn of time, a terrible war raged between the forces of good and evil, ending in the destruction of the world of Agarest. After their victory, the Gods of Light unified the decaying bodies of the Gods of Darkness and created a new world.

Now, the forces of darkness are awakening once again…

Choose the path of Darkness or Light through a truly epic story, spanning multiple generations.

Battle hundreds of different creatures using an array of character abilities, in a compelling and innovative turn-based combat system.

Build your ultimate army of warriors and master Extra Skills, Special Arts and Over Kills to defeat colossal enemies!

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Devil Survivor 2 – Where are we now?

Thu, 12th Sep 2013 | Posted by Ross

Hi everyone.   Hopefully by now you should have received your copy of Elminage for PSP and are enjoying this fantastic dungeon crawler.  If you missed out on this special and very limited edition, the game is now available on PSN for just £15.99, where it can be found here.  In an update to last week’s blog I’m pleased to say that Elminage has also been made available on the Vita store meaning that all you Vita owners can now get in on all the dungeon crawling action too!

Staying on the subject of PSN, I’d like to remind you that three of our titles are still part of Sony’s ‘Big in Japan’ PSN sale which lasts until next Wednesday.  As part of this sale, Agarest: Generations of War Zero has had its price reduced from €24.99/£19.99 to €9.99/£7.99, Agarest: Generations of War 2 has had its price slashed from €34.99/£28.49/AU$51.95 to €14.99/ £11.99/AU$21.95 and Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky has had its price cut from €29.99/£23.99/AU$43.95 to €14.99/£10.99/AU$17.95.  In addition to these huge cuts, if you have PS Plus you’ll receive an additional 10% off the price!

Moving on to Devil Survivor 2 news now and I’m very pleased to be able to tell you that we have collated and added everyone’s names to the manual and we’ve resubmitted the printed materials to Nintendo for approval.  This does mean that it’s now too late to email us asking to get your name changed in the manual.  I’ve also been informed that the Devil Survivor 2 cartridges have entered the manufacturing process and we should receive an estimated delivery date shortly.  I’m expecting to be able to provide you all with weekly updates on the status of Devil Survivor 2 here on the Ghostlight blog, so please do remember to come back next week when I’ll hopefully have the manufacturer’s estimated delivery date for you all (fingers crossed).

In further Devil Survivor news, Devil Survivor Overclocked has been given a provisional eShop release date of the 10th October, where it will be priced at £29.99.  If the release date changes in the coming weeks I’ll be sure to let you know.

In other news, I’m pleased to be able to tell you that the master of Agarest: Generations of War for PC has now been submitted to Steam.  Once again, a big thank you goes out to Laughing Jackal and of course to the fantastic beta test team for all their hard work in helping us to reach this stage.  The digital pre-order bonuses have now been decided upon, so I’m sure you’ll want to get your orders in early when pre-orders go live…which (I’m reliably assured) isn’t too far away at all :)  On the subject of Steam, we’re expecting to start work on another PC port of a console JRPG in the next few weeks - I’ll have news on that for you very soon :)

That’s all for now. I must dash, as I’m expecting a new 3DS game to land on my desk for evaluation. :)

I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our  Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.

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Elminage goes on sale on PSN

Thu, 5th Sep 2013 | Posted by Ross

Hi everyone.  We’ve got lots of news for you this week.  First of all our latest PSP title, Elminage, has gone on sale on the PSN Store. This excellent dungeon crawler is priced at just £15.99 and you can pick it up here.  Unfortunately at the moment it’s not currently available on PlayStation Vita. We’re currently looking into this issue. Edit- Elminage is now available on the Vita.

Embark on a grand adventure in the lands of Halodra Ille!

Long ago, the gods forged their powers into six rings using them to create a barrier to protect the world. When a group of dark priestesses attempt to shatter the barrier and summon their Demon King, five of the six rings scatter themselves throughout the land to prevent further damage to the weakened barrier. To purge the land of this evil, you must lead your party of heroes on an adventure to find and bring the five rings together, restoring balance to the world!

Explore vast dungeons, ancient ruins and forests

Master 150 skills and spells and over 500 items!

Choose from 12 races and 16 character classes

Slay over 200 monsters, beasts and dragons!

On the subject of PSN, I’m pleased to say that three of our PSN titles are part of the ‘Big In Japan’ PSN sale.  As part of this sale, Agarest: Generations of War Zero will have its price reduced from €24.99/£19.99 to €9.99/£7.99, Agarest: Generations of War 2 will have its price slashed from €34.99/£28.49/AU$51.95 to €14.99/ £11.99/AU$21.95 and Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky has had its price cut from €29.99/£23.99/AU$43.95 to €14.99/£10.99/AU$17.95.  In addition to these huge cuts, if you have PS Plus you’ll receive an additional 10% off the price.

Moving on to Devil Survivor Overclocked, I can now say that the eShop version is in submission with Nintendo and that we’re hoping to release this game on the eShop in October. So, those of you who prefer to download your games can get your SMT fix as well.

Talking about Devil Survivor, as we posted earlier in the week, after an amazing push during the last few days Devil Survivor 2 met its target and will be released on Nintendo DS.  While we’re not yet able to confirm a release date it is now available to pre-order again from here (or here if you want to save £10 on Devil Survivor Overclocked at the same time.)

Finally, I’m pleased to report that after lots of hard work from Laughing Jackal and the beta team, Agarest: Generations of War has now reached master.  We’re currently finalising our pre-order offer so you can expect a release date and price soon.

I’ll be back next week, but until then why not follow us on our Twitter and Facebook pages, our Youtube Channel and our  Google + account, where we’ll be posting all the latest news from Ghostlight? You can also follow me on Twitter for a more personal take on all things Ghostlight.

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